Chapter 17

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Jackson's POV:

I was asleep on the floor in Cassidy's room when DR came in and woke me up. "Hey, I was going to go get some breakfast for us and the girls. I didn't know if you wanted to come with me or not." I rolled over and rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, give me a minute and I'll meet you out there." DR nodded and left Cassidy's room. I slowly sat up and stretched. I stood up once I was ready, and folded the blankets that I used. After that was done, I put them in a pile beside Cassidy's bed. I took a moment to look at her to make sure she was still okay. She was facing the wall, still snoring. I chuckled to myself, and went out to the living room. DR was waiting for me, so I put on my shoes and we went to get into our Uber. DR had the driver drop us off at his apartment so we could get his truck. We drove to the local coffee shop, and went in to get some coffee and pastries for the girls. The shop was extremely busy on this Sunday morning, but we got our items a little after ordering and made our way back to the girls' apartment. We let ourselves back in the apartment by using the spare key. We put everything on the table, and DR went to see if the girls were up yet. "Nope, they're both still asleep." He said as he rounded the corner entering the living room. "Okay, well there's no point in us waiting here for them to wake up. We can put their iced coffees in the fridge, and leave the pastries on the table. You can text Kennedy and tell her about them, and if the girls need anything they can let us know." DR agreed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. I waited until he was done, and then we left the apartment.

I got into DR's truck as he started to drive me home. We were on the way, and the car ride was silent. I know I was tired, and my back was hurting from sleeping on the floor. I assumed DR felt the same way, which is why he's being so quiet. The truck pulled up to mine and Ryan's place, and I unbuckled my seat belt. I went to reach for the door handle to open it when DR started to speak up. "Jackson, I have to ask you something, but I want you to be completely honest with me." I could feel my heart drop to my stomach as I turned to face DR. "Okay, what do you need to ask me?" DR reached over, and turned down the radio. "Last night while I was with Kennedy in her room she told me something that has to do with you. I didn't know if I should believe her or not since she was drunk, so I wanted to ask you about it." He paused now, making me feel more anxious. "Just ask me DR." I said, wanting to get this over with. "Kennedy told me that you and Cassidy have a past? That you two grew up together, and that you dated and stuff. She said things ended badly, but you two agreed to be friends when Cassidy started working for the Bananas. Is any of that true Jackson?" The pit in my stomach somehow got larger as I stared at DR. I knew there was no point in lying to him because I'm certain my facial expressions were giving me away. I sighed, and started rubbing my forehead. "Everything Kennedy told you is true. Cassidy and I did grow up together. We dated until the summer before College when I broke up with her. Playing against the Dirty Birds was the first time I've seen her in years. We agreed to be friends, but I want it to be more than that. We need to talk about our past first before I can even dream of that happening. She doesn't want to talk to me about it, and I know it's because of how I left things. I wish she would hear me out, and let me apologize. I at least want to do that, and if we stay friends after that then so be it. I'll feel better if she lets me apologize. I'm sorry for not telling you about all of this sooner, but we agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone." DR reached over and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright Jackie. This whole situation seems crazy, so I'm not mad at you for not telling me. I hope Cassidy and you do get a chance to talk things out. I'm rooting for you two, so if you need to talk or anything let me know. Who else knows about you two anyways?" "Thanks DR. I told Ryan about Cassidy a few months after I joined the Bananas. We were having a heart to heart one night and I mentioned her. He's the only person I told besides you now." DR let out a chuckle. "Well technically Kennedy told me. I'm sure Cassidy isn't going to be happy when she finds that out." DR was totally right about that. I would hate to be Kennedy right now. "I'm sure she'll be a little mad, but then she'll be fine. Anyways, I'm tired so I think I'm going to head into my apartment and go back to sleep. Thanks for the ride DR." I opened the car door, and walked up to my apartment. I headed straight for my room, and jumped on my bed. It didn't take long before I was asleep.

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