Chapter 11

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Cassidy's POV:

I was out on my run this morning taking in the views of Savannah. I was running a different route today, so it was nice to have a change in scenery. The plan for today was to go back to mine and Kennedy's apartment, and probably make us some breakfast. I assumed Kennedy was asleep this morning before I left our apartment considering her bedroom door was shut. I made sure to text her where I was going so she knew if she woke up before I got back. I continued running down the sidewalk as I heard one of my air pods beep. "New message from Kennedy." I kept my pace, but pulled my phone out of the arm sleeve I was wearing. I unlocked my phone, and clicked on the message from Kennedy.

From Kennedy: Can you please come back to the apartment? I'm so sick, and I feel like I was hit by a train. I really need you right now.

I stopped running, and looked around to see exactly where I was. I texted Kennedy back so she knew I was coming home.

From Cassidy: I'm about 10 minutes away from our apartment. I'll get there as soon as I can.

I began down the sidewalk again, trying to run quickly without getting burnt out. I made it to my apartment about 6 minutes later, and busted through Kennedy's door. She was laying in her bed coughing and sneezing. I walked over towards her, and she definitely looked like she was hit by a train. "Hey K, I'm here now." I said as I put my hand up to her forehead. Kennedy grinned and opened her eyes to look at me. "Hi Cass. I'm sorry I interrupted your run. I tried to go out to get a drink, but I'm so weak that I dropped the cup and made a mess in the kitchen. I have no idea what I have, but I already called my doctor and she thinks it might be some sort of sickness that's going around. She sent a prescription to the pharmacy for me already. I texted Jesse and Savanah and told them I won't be able to come into work today. Can you please pick up my prescription before work so I can start taking it? I plan on sleeping all day today, so don't worry about having to stay here and take care of me." I took a step back from Kennedy's bed as she went to turn towards the wall. "Of course I can go get your medicine before work. I need to go clean up the kitchen from you trying to get a drink. I think you should eat some toast or something, so I'm going to make you some of that. Is there anything else you need me to do right now?" Kennedy didn't say anything, but stuck her arm out in the thumbs down position. I walked out of her room, and shut the door behind me. I checked the time, and knew I had to move quickly in order to get to work on time.

I cleaned up the mess, and took Kennedy some breakfast and water. She had started eating, so I ran to my room to change. I checked on Kennedy again, and told her I was going to pick up her medicine. Once I did that, I went back to our apartment and gave Kennedy the medicine. I made sure she didn't need anything else, and then rushed to the stadium. I somehow made it there on time, and started helping Frances with the list of things we needed to put on the equipment truck that was leaving tomorrow. I had just got finished cleaning out the water jugs that the guys use during the games. There were three jugs, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to carry all three back down to the offices in one trip. I picked up two of the jugs, and went to head down to the offices when I saw Jackson walking into the stadium.

Jackson's POV:

I decided to come to the stadium early today to get a workout in before practice. I was glad I did when I saw Cassidy at the entrance of the stadium. I wanted to apologize for yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to with everything going on. It was also hard trying to find a good time when Cassidy was by herself so we could talk, but now seemed to be the perfect time. I saw her pick up two of the water jugs, and noticed there was a third one that needed carried. I walked over to her, and picked it up. "Hey, do you need some help? I can carry this one. I would offer to take one of the ones you're carrying so you only had to carry one, but I know better. You've always liked to be independent, and do things yourself. That's why I asked if you wanted me to carry this one." Cassidy let out a laugh, and then looked up at me as she situated the jugs. "I don't mind you carrying that one. I am going to carry these two. I won't deny any help today. I had a bit of a crazy morning." Cassidy started walking through the stadium as I followed beside her. "What's going on? Is everything alright?" Cassidy let out a sigh as she continued walking. "Yeah, Kennedy is sick. She texted me this morning on my run. I went back to our apartment to take care of her. She's taking medicine, and I'm going home on lunch to check on her. Everything was a bit chaotic this morning that's all." "I'm sure she'll start to feel better soon Cassidy. She's lucky you're there to help take care of her. If there's anything I can do let me know." Cassidy looked up at me now and smiled. I can't remember the last time I got that expression from her. I studied her face for a minute, and took in the dimples she had on both sides of her mouth. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday by the way. I shouldn't have blurted out what I said in front of the guys. I know we agreed to not tell anyone about our past. I'll try not to do something like that again."

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now