Chapter 20

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Cassidy's POV:

I was sitting in the airport listening to some of Dalton's songs while scrolling through Instagram. We were all waiting for our flight to start boarding so we could head to the games in Connecticut. As I was scrolling I saw a pair of tiny hands come over my head to be placed in front of my eyes. I knew exactly who it was, but decided to play along anyways. "Hey, why can't I see anymore?" I heard a tiny giggle behind me as my eyes were still covered. "Guess who it is." The tiny voice said. "Hmm let me think. Is it Split?" The tiny giggle continued as the hands were taken away from my eyes now. "No Cassie! You're being silly. It was me behind you!" Camden said as he started to giggle again. I turned around with a shocked face, and grabbed him from the seat behind me. I started to tickle him, and then picked him up to sit in the seat beside me. "Hi Cassie." He said after I stopped tickling him. "Hi Cam. Are you excited to go on another plane ride with everyone?" I laughed as Camden quickly shook his head yes. "I'm so excited. I've been talking to my Daddy about this trip for a while now. My Mommy told me we're going to your hometown Cassie. Is that right?" I smiled as I took out my airpods now. "Yes that's right. I grew up in a little town in Connecticut. The ball field we're playing at is only about 30 minutes from my house." I watched as Camden didn't seem interested in my response anymore as he went to pull out a coloring book, and some crayons from his backpack. "That's cool Cassie. Hey can I sit with you on the plane ride? My Mommy and Daddy said it's okay with them as long as it's okay with you and Jackson." I paused for a minute, still watching Camden get the crayons out of his backpack. "I didn't know you wanted to sit with me and Jackson. Did you ask him yet?"

Camden was extremely focused on these crayons that spilled in his backpack, but once he got the last one out he responded. "I wanted to ask you first before I asked Jackson. So, can I sit with you please Cassie?" Honestly it was hard to say no to any child especially when they were making the same face Camden was right now. "Yes Camden you can sit with me on the plane." I figured this wouldn't hurt anything, so I might as well make him happy. "Yay! I have to go ask Jackson now, I'll be right back Cassie. Here can you hold my crayons and coloring book so we can color when I get back?" I started to laugh as I shook my head yes. Camden gave me his things and jumped out of the seat to run over towards Jackson. I watched their interaction and how Camden seemed to be explaining the situation to Jackson. At one point Jackson looked over at me and laughed. I smiled and shrugged before he turned his attention back to Camden. I assumed from Camden's facial expression that Jackson had said yes since he bolted back over to me. "Okay. Me, You, and Jackson are all sitting together on the plane. Can you color with me now Cassie?" I let out another laugh as Camden took back his coloring book and crayons. We sat with each other and colored until the team started to board the plane.

Jackson's POV:

I watched as Camden happily ran back over towards Cassidy after he asked me if he could sit with me on the plane. I of course said yes, not only because Camden asked, but since I knew it would give me a reason to be around Cassidy. I continued to watch Cassidy and Camden interact until it was time for us to board the plane. Camden came running over towards me, and Cassidy made sure it was okay with Gillum and his wife that we had Camden with us. They had no problem with it, so all three of us went to stand in line. The airline we were flying had open seating, so we walked back towards the end of the plane until we found a row of three empty seats. Camden asked if he could have the window seat, and Cassidy and I didn't have a problem with that. Camden sat down first, then Cassidy in the middle, and then me in the aisle seat. Everyone eventually got settled and the plane took off. Camden watched the entire take off, and made sure to keep saying mine and Cassidy's names so we wouldn't miss anything. The hype around that soon faded for Camden, and he asked Cassidy to put a movie on his tablet for him. He started watching the movie as Cassidy and I talked for a little bit. It wasn't about anything important, but at least we were talking. Camden started to get tired while watching his movie, and the light had just gone out for our seat belts. Camden unbuckled himself, and put up the arm rest so he could lay on Cassidy. Sooner than later he was asleep, and Cassidy decided she wanted to try to take a nap too. She put in her air pods, and leaned her head back against the head rest. After a few minutes she was asleep like Camden.

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