Chapter 19

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Cassidy's POV:

Today was Thursday, and I was at the field bringing up some of the equipment for the game tonight. Kyle noticed I was struggling a bit, so he came over to help me. "Here Cass, let me help you." He said as he grabbed some of the pieces of equipment I was holding, and put them on the bench. "Thanks Kyle. I thought I'd be able to carry all of this up. I hate having to make more than one trip." Kyle started to laugh as I was situating everything on the bench in the dugout. "It looks like the swelling from your nose has gone down. The bruise seems like it's fading too." I was thankful for that. I've been icing my nose as much as I can, hoping the bruising would go away. "The swelling did go down a few days ago. It's still pretty bruised, but Kennedy helped me cover it up with some makeup. I don't want to scare any little kids with how bad it actually looks." Kyle and I both started laughing now as I headed back down to the offices to grab more equipment.

Jackson's POV:

It was right after lunch and everyone was on the field for practice before our entertainment meetings. I was standing waiting in line for batting practice while talking to Ryan and DR. It was then my turn to hit, so I walked around the net and hit some of the balls that Viro was tossing to me. I finished and made my way over to the Bananas dugout to take a break before heading out to take some ground balls. Reggie had asked me to try the Reginade that he made, so I did. We then started talking as I scanned the field. My eyes found Cassidy instantly, and I watched as she stood and talked to DC. I was looking at her, I noticed something on her shorts that she was wearing. I quickly realized what it was, and told Reggie I would be right back. I walked over to Cassidy and DC trying to figure out how I could get Cassidy's attention. "Hey guys. Cassidy, I need my arm stretched out. I think I messed it up while hitting a little bit ago." Cassidy and DC both gave me a confused look. Cassidy was probably confused since she knows I won't be playing in the game tonight, so there's no need for me to be stretching. DC had ended up being called over to the other side of the Party Animals dugout, so it was only Cassidy and I now. I leaned down so I could whisper in her ear. "You have something on your shorts if you get what I mean." Cassidy gasped and turned around trying to look at the back of her shorts. I was standing behind her so nobody else would notice. "It's okay Cass. Here use this." I took off my shirt and gave it to Cassidy so she could wrap it around her waist. She quickly did that, and then she went into the Party Animals locker room and down the steps. I followed behind her until she ran into the girls bathroom. I gave her a minute before I knocked on the door. "Cass, is there anything you need me to get for you? I can call Kennedy if you want her instead." Cassidy seemed to hesitate, but then responded. "Um can you go to the offices and grab my backpack please? I have extra clothes and the products I need in it." "Yeah, I'll go get your backpack right now Cass." I ran from the bathroom down to the offices and grabbed Cassidy's backpack. I started running back to Cassidy when I stopped to grab something else she might need. I got back to the bathroom, and knocked on the door.

"Hey Cass, I'm back and I have your backpack. How do you want to do this?" "Can you just open the door and put my backpack down please?" Cassidy asked from the other side of the door. "Yeah of course." I opened the door, and did what Cassidy asked me. I closed the door, and waited for Cassidy to get her backpack. "Okay Cass, do you need me to do anything else?" I heard the backpack unzip before Cassidy responded. "No, I should be okay." I went to turn around and walk away. "Alright Cass, if you need anything else let me know." I waited a minute to see if she would respond. "No I think I'm okay. Thanks Jackson for catching that, and helping me out. I appreciate it." I smiled as I put my head against the door. "You're welcome Cass. I'll see you back out on the field." I turned around, and started walking back towards the locker rooms.

I went over to my locker to grab one of my headbands when I noticed Noah over at his locker. We haven't spoken to each other since the fight on Monday. The silence in the room was loud and awkward. I could only take so much of it before I turned to face Noah. "Hey, I really want to talk to you about what happened on Monday. I know we're supposed to stay away from each other, but I'm willing to talk about it if you are." Noah turned around to look at me, and had a slight grin on his face. "Yeah man, I've been wanting to talk to you about what happened on Monday too." He walked over, and grabbed a chair so he could sit in front of me. I sat down in my chair that was in front of my locker, surprised that this was actually happening. "I'm sorry for fighting you the other day. I let my anger get the best of me, and the result was fighting you which shouldn't have happened. I should've thought it through, and probably sat down and talked to you about it like we are now." Noah nodded his head, and had his hand on his chin. "I accept your apology. I knew you were angry, and weren't thinking when you started to fight with me. I need to apologize too. I shouldn't have left Cassidy by herself at the bar, even for a minute. I don't know why I thought that was okay, but it wasn't. I understand why you were mad about that too. You obviously care about her, and don't want to see her get hurt." "Yeah, I do care about her- I mean I care about everyone in the organization. I never want to see anyone get hurt or anything like that." I quickly said, trying to take back what I had just said. Noah didn't seem to be buying it. "Jackson, you don't have to lie to me. I can tell that you like Cassidy. You honestly don't hide it very well. Anytime she's around, you look and stare at her like she's the only girl on earth. There have been plenty of gorgeous girls who are huge fans if you come to the game, but you don't give them any time of day. You only focus on Cassidy, and are always trying to be around her. Anyways, we should probably get back out to the field. I'm glad we were able to clear everything up bro." Noah stood up, and I did the same even though I was surprised to hear that he knew I like Cassidy. He didn't give me time to respond to what he said as he gave me a fist bump and started to walk away. Even if he had given me the opportunity, I don't think I would've been able to lie myself out of this one.

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now