Chapter 15

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Cassidy's POV:

I walked into work this morning sad knowing this was my last week working with Frances. I went down to the Trainers offices, and Frances could instantly tell what was wrong. "I know Cass, come here." I walked over to her and she wrapped her arms around me. "I don't want to see you be sad all week. I'll allow you to be sad on Friday, but not any other day this week. How does that sound?" I pulled away from our hug, and quickly wiped the water that was forming in my eyes. "Okay, I think that's a good plan. I hope you're prepared for me to cry on Friday." I started laughing, and Frances did the same. "You act like I won't be crying too." We stood there and laughed for a few minutes until we were able to control ourselves enough to stop. We started on some of the therapies for the players, and checking in with those who are still hurt. That took us up until lunch. I went up to get my food as Kennedy texted me saying that she already got us a table to sit at. I got my food, and went over to the table with Kennedy.

Kennedy's POV:

Cassidy had just sat down at the table with me, so we both started eating. I texted DR where I was sitting in case he wanted to come sit with us. I looked around and didn't see any Bananas up getting food yet, so I assumed they were still on the field. Cassidy and I talked about how our day was going so far, and about 20 minutes later I started seeing some of the players coming to get their food. I saw DR, who smiled and waved at me. I returned the guesture, and then continued talking to Cassidy. I glanced up as I saw someone walking over towards our table. Dalton sat across from me, so he was beside Cassidy. "Hello ladies. How are we doing today?" Cassidy and I both greeted Dalton, and then responded to his question. He then turned to Cassidy. "Cass, those pictures you took all turned out incredible. I sent the link to the guys, and they all thought so too. Thank you so much for taking those for me. Did you get to see them Kennedy?" Dalton asked as he turned his attention towards me. "Of course I did. I love to see the pictures that Cassidy takes. She's an amazing photographer who always does a great job capturing moments with her camera." I smiled and looked at Cassidy whose face was starting to get red. "Thanks guys. I appreciate the compliments. I'm really glad you and the guys liked all the pictures I took Dalton." Cassidy said as she continued eating. "You're welcome Cass. I was actually wondering if you'd want to take pictures for me the next time I need some taken for merch? I have a new song coming out in about 5 to 6 weeks. We can figure out more about it when the merch for that song comes in." I was smiling looking at Cassidy. I'm glad she's getting all these opportunities here in Savannah. It was a big risk for us to move here, and start working for the Bananas. I know she was nervous about all of it, so its nice to see things like this happen that are making her happy. "I would love to take more pictures for you Dalton. Just let me know when, and we can figure it out." We all continued eating as I looked around to try to find DR. After some searching, I saw he was standing talking to Jesse and Reggie about something.

"I'm going to go fill up my water bottle, I'll be right back." Cassidy said as she got up from the table. I looked at Dalton, and remembered I had to ask him about the hoodie. "Hey Dalt, is it possible for me to get one of your new hoodies? If so, can I get one that matches with DR?" Dalton was eating, so he waited to respond until after he was finished. "Yeah of course Kennedy. I have a box full of merch to give out to everyone. I'll get a hoodie for you and DR, and bring them to the field sometime this week." He then took another bite of his food. "Perfect! Thanks Dalt!" I paused for a second, unsure if I should bring this next part up or not. I didn't want to say anything while Cassidy was around, but I spotted her talking to Savanah far away from our table. I had to figure out how to bring it up without Dalton getting suspicious. "Yeah Cassidy told me about how everyone matched hoodie colors on Saturday, so that gave me the idea of me and DR matching. I thought it was a bit of a strange coincidence how the only hoodie you had in your car was the one that matched Jackson, which is also the one you gave Cassidy." Dalton stopped eating, and looked right up at me. He then looked around, to see who was around our table. "That actually wasn't my idea. I had some extra hoodies in my car, but Bill saw them when I went to pick him up for the photoshoot. He told me that if I was going to give Cassidy one, then it should be the light blue one. I have no idea why he picked that one until he mentioned at the fire on the beach how Cassidy was matching Jackson. What's going on with that?" Well my plan of Dalton not being suspicious was right out the window, but I did find it strange how Bill was tangled up in all of this. "I honestly don't know Dalton. Cassidy hasn't really mentioned much about him, or any of the guys for that matter. I know she told me before that she won't date a baseball player because of a past issue she had with one. Maybe it has something to do with Jackson? It seems like a confusing situation if you ask me." Dalton thought for a minute, and then went back to eating. "I don't know. Maybe I'll ask Bill about it to see what he says." I went to respond, but then DR came and sat down next to me. Cassidy made her way back over now too, so we all sat and talked for the rest of lunch.

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن