Chapter 9

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Cassidy's POV:

I was bored, so I started walking around the stadium. Kennedy was busy, and Frances had to make some phone calls so there wasn't much I could do yet. The guys are having another round of games at Grayson Stadium starting on Thursday. They were all on the field right now, so I went and sat in the stadium seats after walking around for a while. I wasn't close to the field, so I don't think any of the guys even noticed I was there. I watched them practice for another 20 minutes until it looked like someone was waving at me. I squinted my eyes, and saw that it was Dalton. He was waving, but it now changed to him motioning for me to come down to the field. I headed down that way, and he met me at the net. "Do you need something Dalt?" I asked as he walked over. "Hey Cass. Yeah I actually do. Those pictures that you took of everyone yesterday turned out amazing. I'm going to be releasing a new song "Miss You Love You". I have merch for it, and I wanted to get some pictures of me and some of the guys wearing it so I could post about it. I was going to ask Daniel Flood, one of the photographers for the Bananas, but he said he's all booked up. I was wondering if you'd be interested in taking the pictures for me?"

I thought about it for a minute as Dalton adjusted his batting gloves. "I don't know Dalt. I've never taken pictures professionally before. Everything I do is out of pure fun. I don't want you to hate the pictures or anything." I looked up at him as he made a face. "Are you kidding me Cassidy? I went through your portfolio last night when you sent us the link for our pictures. You're a really good photographer. I don't think I would hate any of the pictures you take for me. How about this. My merch doesn't come in for another three weeks. The week that it does come in we'll all be here playing in Savannah. We only have a game on Thursday and Friday, so Saturday is free for all of us. That's when I was planning on getting the pictures taken for the merch. That gives you enough time to think about it, so just let me know what you decide. No pressure or anything." Dalton said as he smiled. "Okay, deal. I'll let you know by the end of this week." Dalton nodded as he was being called over by the coaches. "Thanks Cassidy." He said before he left. I smiled and turned to head back up the steps, and back down to the Athletic Trainers office.

Time skip to Wednesday of that same week:

I was on the field with Frances as we watched the guys during practice. Some of the Bananas were batting, and others were working on fielding. I had just come back over from the bull pen because I had to check in on one of the Party Animals pitchers who got hurt last week. I walked back over to where Frances was standing to see if she needed anything. She didn't, but said she was going to sit in the office for a little because her feet were hurting. I honestly don't know how she's even at the field right now being so close to her due date. I know she has about a month until she's due, but I can tell she's starting to want to have her baby now. Kennedy and I both think its a girl. Frances doesn't know the gender yet. Her and her Husband want it to be a surprise. Kennedy mentioned us getting the baby some things before Frances goes on maternity leave. I'll have to mention it to her again so we don't forget.

Frances asked if I would be okay staying on the field to look after the guys if she went down to the office. I of course agreed, and started walking around checking on some of the guys when I spotted DC. "So, how's the hand been?" I asked as I walked towards him. He turned around, and smiled when he saw it was me. "Hey Cassidy. It's good, I iced it and did some of those stretches you showed me. I'm really hoping I can play this weekend." I reached out, and gently grabbed his hand to look at his fingers. He flinched a little when I started to move the one. "Frances is down in the office right now taking a break. I think your fingers are still a little sore. Keep icing, and doing those exercises for them. You might not be able to catch tomorrow or Friday, but we'll see how you're feeling on Saturday. I can't send you back out onto the field without knowing you're 100% okay. I'll talk to Frances in a little, and see what she says. She might look at your fingers, and think you're good to go. We'll have to wait and see. I know that isn't what you really wanted to hear though." I said as I looked up at DC to see he had a disappointed expression on his face. "It's alright Cassidy. I don't feel comfortable going out to play unless you or Frances approve it. I know you're both looking out for me. Thanks for checking in." "Yeah of course DC, anytime." I said bye to DC, and continued making my way around the field.

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now