Chapter 1 : those eyes

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" Welcome to the annual horse race of serene We've got a thrilling lineup today with jungkook , Mark, Flynn, and Luca all ready to compete." The mic sound boomed on the vast area where a huge Crowd Cheers and excitement fill the air as the horses line up at the starting gate

" And---- they're off! Jungkook bursts out of the gate, taking an early lead! " the Announcer said in a high voice as all the horses ran in an speed of the light

" Look at jungkook go! But here comes Mark, closing in fast!" The Announcer Said and the crowd goes crazy.

" Flynn and Luca are right behind them, not letting the leaders get too far ahead!" Another commenter yelled.

" Around the first bend, jungkook maintains the lead with Mark hot on their heels!" The crowd was chanting eidens name happily cheering loudly.

There was a tall brown haired male standing near the wooden railing looking at the air cutting race.

" It's a close race, folks! Jungkook and Mark refusing to give an inch! " Mark looked at the raven haired male

" hey punk , what are you doing ? Crawling in the race field " the male said In an mockingly tone but jungkook didn't seemed to be affected.

" But don't count out Flynn and Luca just yet. They're making their move!" The commenter updated the scene.

" Approaching the halfway mark, Mark surges ahead, overtaking jungkook !"

" good bye punk " the mark said as he took the lead

Crowd Gasps and cheers erupt from the crowd as the lead changes hands.

" come on jungkook , come on " the brown haired male said as he gripped the wooden railing as he looked at the horses places changing

" What a turn of events! Mark has taken the lead, but jungkook isn't giving up!"

Flynn and Luca are still in the mix, keeping the pressure on the frontrunners!

" Down the home stretch, it's a fierce battle between Mark and jungkook!"

" oh god don't try too hard punk " the male said but jungkook dosent seem to flare his eyes straight looking at the finish line.

"Neck and neck they go, giving it their all as they race towards the finish line!"

" And look at Flynn and Luca! They're closing the gap, making a final push! And here they come, down to the wire!"

Crowd Cheers and shouts reach a crescendo as the horses thunder towards the finish line.

Mark lurked his horse near jungkook and jungkook felt lit on his peripheral and pulled the ropes making him go more faster.

" shit " Mark cursed as he flashed the rope hardly but jungkook was far away from him.

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