Chapter 4 : an infactuation

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" yeah ! " jungkook yelled , fresh air flowing through his jet black hair his hands holding the straps connected to the horse as it ran fast like a arrow.

" come on buddy you can do this " jungkook said as he proceeded towards the high obstacle and within the fraction of second his horse stopped at the obstacle and turned not jumping it.

Jungkook sighed in dissappiointment as he creased his horse " it's okay it's okay " jungkook said and the horse was letting out distress noises.

" jungkook ! " a voice came from far away he saw hyungshik walking towards him and a person beside him. Junhkook recognized the guy from before.

" yes hyung " jungkook said.

" this is yoongi as per you know right ? " hyungshik asked and jungkook looked at the guy and nodded wiping his horse with a towel.

" he wants to ride horses too " hyungshik said and jungkook looked at yoongi and raised his eyebrows in excitement.

" really " jungkook asked.

" yeah I thought of you , cause your are the only good racer in this whole serene" hyungshik said and jungkook just chuckled and shook his hands as no.

" so will you? " hyungshik asked and jungkook nodded

" great " hyungshik said as he turned around and walked towards his house.

" so , am I younger than you ? " jungkook asked and yoongi just looked at him

" im 24 " yoongi said

" so it's a hyung " jungkook said

" no , you'll call me " yoongi said and jungkook felt embarsment through his veins.

" yes " jungkook said.

Yoongi tsked as he walked near jungkooks horse which stepped a little back yoongi made an annoying face at the horse as he pulled the horses strap and tried to get on it.

" No ! No ! " jungkook said as he panicked but it was too late as yoongi was already in the horse and the horse became afraid as it jumped and started to run...really fast.

Yoongis face paled he looked at jungkook before the horse starting to run as fast as she can.

" oh god " jungkook said as he ran to the shelter and took another horse and came out faster.

Jungkook can hear yoongis faint scream from far away jungkook pulled the straps and hit it as the horse ran faster.

Jungkook can see the horse getting closer and closer now he can see yoongi yelling more furiously.

" AHH ! YOU HORSE STOP !!! " yoongi yelled.

" !don't yell at her she will be more scared ! " jungkook yelled from behind.

" get this horse stop !!! It's gonna kill me !!!" Yoongi yelled leaning down hugging the horse making it more scared.

" AHH !! " yoongi yelled as the horse ran more faster. Jungkook managed to run the horse and he went infornt closer and stopped by standing infront.

" stop neda " jungkook said to the horse and the horse looked at jungkook and started to calm down.

Yoongi was fast enough to fall down from the horse and took steps back. Jungkook walked near her and creased her softly.

" it's okay it's okay " jungkook softly Said as he pressed his head on the horse and it calmed down.

" it's okay " jungkook said and he looked at yoongi who was standing there looking at the horse fearfully.

" what kind of an animal is this ! " yoongi asked annoyingly at jungkook who just gave yoongi a look and turned away.

" stupid animal " yoongi Said.

" she is not stupid , " jungkook gritted

" then , am I stupid? " yoongi asked fiercely.

" I didn't say such thing " jungkook said

" Animals , especially grown by humans tend to be more comfortable with the person who grew it and who it saw when it was growing. If any other person wants to ride her , you need her permission. " jungkook asked.

" permission !? From an animal " yoongi asked

" yes , like this " jungkook went and pushed yoongi infront of neda and made him stand he saw the horse stepping a little back.

" as you can see , the horse is scared of you " jungkook said , he was standing behind yoongi.

" you can slowly move forward " jungkook said in a whisper and yoongi suddenly felt a spark of shiver. He was being pushed a little near the horse.

" slowly yeah " jungkook said as he pushed yoongi towards the cow a little more closer.

They were close enough to the horse yoongi can see the black beauty's beautiful shining skin.

" raise your hands " jungkook said again in a Calm soothing voice.

" im scared. " yoongi whispered.

" she is a nice one , she wouldn't do anything, come on , you can do it" jungkook encouraged yoongi and yoongi gulped down as he slowly raised his hands.

His pale hands , paler than snow reached the horses black fur. Yoongi felt Neda shivering a little he can feel the horse grunting and yoongi creased a little.

The horse leaned more into yoongis touch and yoongis lips curled into a smile as he creased the horses skin.

" is she gentle now ? " jungkook asked comming infornt the sun rays falling on hid face yoongi looked at jungkook and back at neda as he patted her.

" yes " yoongi said.

" Now do you want to get on her ? " jungkook asked and yoongi looked at him puffs of air comming out of his mouth.

" you said we have to get permission ? " yoongi said Licking his dry lips.

" you just got that " jungkook said and yoongi smiled a little as he pressed his head with neda.

" I would love to " yoongi said.

Air flushed through yoongis hair the horse now hearing him and obeying him yoongi striked the strap again and neda ran more faster. He can hear one more horse comming behind and he looked at the side.

It was jungkook he looked at yoongi and smiled. " you're doing great " jungkook praises and yoongi turned his head to the field and jungkook just chuckled and looked away too.

Yoongi looked back at jungkook , how he was in such a good posture , such a good control his hair pushed back by the wind yoongi looked away.

Yoongi stopped the horse , jungkook was already there with his hands folded against his chest. Yoongi came down and stumbled.

" carefull" jungkook mumbled as he pulled yoongi by his arm and went to Neda yoongi just looked at the floor as if the grass was such a beautiful thing in the world.

" ? " jungkook called but yoongi didn't turn around.

" ? " jungkook called again and yoongi turned around

" thank you for the lesson " yoongi said hastily and he started to walk towards hyungshiks house and jungkook dosent know why yoongi was in such haste.

Yoongi walked furiously towards hyungshiks home he didn't looked back, he didn't look back at the field cause he can feel jungkook eyes were on him.


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