chapter 10 : An letter

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Taehyung was walking his hands stuffed inside his pockets as he walked towards his so called home. unconsciously smiling like a teenage boy.

Taehyung reached his house and he stiffened himself and stepped up to the door and opened it.

" im home " he mumbled slightly

" Welcome home taehyung " jinso said from the kitchen and taehyung didn't want to go anywhere he was really tired, he was standing the whole day and all he wanted is to sleep now.

" taehyung , sweetheart ? " jinso called and taehyung stopped climbing up the stairs and looked at his mom peeping down the stairs.

" yes mother " taehyung said

" you got a letter , here " jinso said as he gave taehyung an yellow envolope his name in it.

Taehyung made a confused face as he reached out for the envolope. " thank you " taehyung Said and he walked upstairs opening and closing his rooms door.

Taehyung bit his lips as he looked at the envolopr his slim fingers tracing thr red seal that was on the envolope.

" it dosent have a sender address. " taehyung mumbled as he sat down on his bed and started to open the card.

Taehyungs eyes widen as he saw the card , it was an invitation card.

" what the...." taehyung whispered as he looked at the names it Said Kim namjoon and min yoona invites you to thier wedding that is gonna be held at 11/3/1986 which is--tomorrow?

Taehyung was so confused as get looked at the cover and there was something more inside the envolope. It was folded paper

Taehyung took that paper and opened it

Dear moon ,

I know you will be so confused of this invitation , and confused who might be writing this letter , I invite you to my cousins wedding even though you Said not to invite you , but I'm sorry my eyes just want to see you , I'll be looking for you at the wedding tomorrow at 6.00 pm and the church near the lake serene. See you there , for now , good bye my dear moon

With anticipation,
Jeon jungkook

Taehyungs face was hot his teeth was bitting his lips as he looked at the letter and the way his heart jumped when jungkook called him moon.

" this guy..." taehyung mumbled as he layed down on the bed the letter held infront of his face. Jungkooks gand written letter taehyung got the letter close to his face and he can smell jungkooks soft vanilla scent taehyung suddenly felt a jolt of guilt washing over him.

He released the letter from his face and looked at it tears started to gather in his eyes as he looked at the letter.

" this is wrong " taehyung mumbled hid thumb pressing the fragile paper as it started to crinkle.

" this is very wrong " taehyung said as he sat up and took the letter and the envolope hastily walking over to his study desk and opened the draw and threw the letter and invitation in and closed it.

Tears were now on his cheek as he looked at the now closed draw taehyung bit his lips suppressing his sob and walked over to his bed flopping his hands on his eyes wiping away the tears as he curled in the bed.

" im not going , this is wrong " taehyung said to himself as he felt his eyelids droppy as he fell into a deep slumber.

After a while taehyung heard some sound , like a sound of rummaging he slowly opened his eyes his vision sorted. He saw his mother standing near the draw looking into taehyungs draw her hands holding an yellow envolope.

Taehyung saw red.

" mom ! " taehyung yelled and his mom flinched at the sudden sound she looked At taehyung with wide eyes as she got caught rummaging taehyungs stuff.

" o-oh taehyung , honey you're awake " jinso said and taehyung was clenching his jaw as he stood up from the bed.

" what are you doing ? " taehyung asked ,he was furious

" n-nothing--nothing sweet heart just , came to look at you " jinso said

" came to look at me or my stuff " taehyung asked as he went near the drawer his panic slightly goes down as he look at the letter inside the draw and only the invitation was on jinsos hands.

" n-no taehyung I just---I---" jinso couldn't find words to put together.

" spying Me ? " taehyung asked as he tried to pull the invitation card from jinsos hands. But. , jinso was clutching the invitation so hard.

" give me the invitation " taehyung Said as he pulled the card and jinso isn't giving it.

" who is Kim namjoon and min yoona ? " jinso asked and taehyung felt his anger going to his head.

" that dosent concern you , mother " taehyung said as he pulled the card but jinso isn't giving it.

" it concerns me taehyung , im your mother " jinso Said and taehyung tried to pull the invitation more hard and in an moment.

The invitation was Half and half.

Jinso looked at the torn card and gulped as she looked at taehyung who was looking at the torn card too.

" taehyung---" jinso started.

" leave " taehyung mumbled.

" sweetie I didn't---"

" didn't I made it clear mother , I Said leave " taehyung said and jinso places the card on the desk and backed off slowly reaching the door opening and closing it.

Taehyung clutched the card he took the wooden chair that was near him and threw it across the room hissing at the big sound it made.

Taehyungs chest fell up and down tears gathers on his eyes as he looked at the torn card , he didn't wanted to go , yet , at the corner of his heart , he wanted to.

He wanted to attended this ceremony for a specific raven haired male.

Taehyung slowly took the letter and opened It tracing his fingers on it heart hurting more and more as he looked at jungkooks letter.

Taehyung bought the letter to his nose as he smelled jungkooks scent in it and pulled it away not wanting to wet it with his tears.

" jungkook , what are you doing there !? Come in " it was jimin who yelled at jungkook who was standing outside the church looking at the people who were comming in he smiled and bowed yo everyone.

But , he was searching for a male who he was anticipating. Jungkook felt his heart going down and down as the time went by he can hear jimin calling him to come inside.

Jungkook breathed heavily and he heard the church's Belk going off indicating that it's 6.00 pm and jungkook heard the piano starting.

Now he has to go in.

Jungkook looked back once again for the last time before turning around and walking towards the church.

" he said he wouldn't come , idiot " jungkook said as be made his lips into a thin line and went inside the church sat down.

Meanwhile taehyung was in his room , he heard the church bell go off taehyung was looking out wind blowing off his face.

" im sorry " taehyung mumbled as he rubbed his eyes not wanting to cry as he looked at the cross of the church that was visible from his window.


Hey everyone! How are you all doing as usual I got sick but it's okay cause writing cures me.

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