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By Friday of that week, I was dying to know what made Harry so hated that he had to leave his old school. Why he was keeping secrets and someone was threatening to spill them. Maybe he was just bullied. Either way, I had to know.

But something told me Harry wouldn't want to give that all up to someone he just met.

So I was going to have to get closer.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me this weekend." I asked Harry as we were walking out of English. Harry held his bag over his shoulder and gave me a suggestive look.

"Will there be any drinking?"

I thought about it for a minute. "Maybe--"

He started to walk away.

"But wait! That's what makes it fun, I promise." I tried to catch him on to the idea. He still seemed a bit skeptical.

"My mum and dad say I can't drink." he said slowly, his words slurred as part of his unique voice. "So I don't want to come home smelling like tequila, you know?"

I understood that. My parents didn't like me drinking either, but every time I did I came home and did my own washing. They never found out.

"Then you can stay at my place that night." I smiled. "Bring a change in clothes. I'll clean the ones that smell like drunk teenagers and you can take them home like brand new."

Harry thought about this for a minute. "Sure." he said, and stopped. On the inside I was celebrating like there was no tomorrow. Getting close to Harry like he was a brother was the first step to knowing about why he left his old school. It wasn't using him, it was a shortcut.

"You should probably get my number so I can text you the details." I said, and Harry smiled. "It's going to be at Noel's lake house in Philly."

"Oh." he said sharply. "Do you need a ride?"

"Not really." I lied. "I can get Cait--"

"I'll drive you." he said quickly. I could tell he wanted to ask that from the moment I invited him to the party. "How does 7pm tomorrow sound?

"Great." I beamed. Part of me was happy that he decided to go, and there was more to it than wanting to get closer. "Dress casual, but not too casual."

"So dress like a frat boy." Harry laughed. "I got it."

"See you in gym then," I said, smiling at the ground. I couldn't even find the courage to look him in the eye any longer. My hands began to sweat again.

"See you." he added, "And we're going to beat your as.ses in dodgeball today."

I looked up. "No way!" I laughed. "You're on a losing streak of like, 80!"

Now it was Harry's turn to look down out of shyness. "Right. Maybe we can be on the same team this time."

"Only if I'm team captain." I said, and he looked me in the eye with joy.

He said, "You're always team captain, Kat!" and then the bell rang. He left without another word, but kept turning back and smiling as he walked out.

I was still smiling to myself when I came out of the classroom, about to head to the locker room. I had just made a new friend for myself, and that wasn't something the nerd me would've been able to do.

But my happiness was short lived, because I ran into Noah and his posse of girlfriends in the hall. It was funny how quickly he had moved on, as if dating me was an act for him as well.

"Why'd you break up with me, Katrina?" he asked, playing the innocent card in front of everyone. I just stood there, astonished by how fake a teenage boy could possibly be.

"I didnt, Noah." I hissed through my teeth. The girls surrounding him just whispered and glared at me. I didn't want to know what they were saying. "You're messing with everyone and they don't know it. They believe you."

"Damn." he snickered and the girls followed suit. "Every time I break up with a girl it leaves them crazy. Literally."

Before I could even retaliate, the girls laughed in my face and followed Noah down the hall.

Good thing I didn't have gym with him, or I would be actually going crazy.

I shook off the recent events and made my way to the locker room. I was too busy wondering and worrying what was going to happen tomorrow, and opened the first locker room door I saw.

I only realized my mistake when I opened the door and saw Harry changing, stripped down to his boxers and nothing more.

"Um.... wrong door?" I nervously said and ran out of the room.


the plot will come into play soon, I promise. and you'll find out what harrys secret is :)

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