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if youve read my story murder house, pretty sure youre mentally braced for this chapter. just a hint!!!!!


First, it was a kick to Harry's stomach by Noah. I screamed out for Harry, but no one cared. All they did was snicker and laugh, like they were feeding off of it.

He groaned in pain, and all I could do was watch them deliver blow by blow to his face. Soon, his nose was bleeding and his arm was extended out towards me.

"K-Kat..." he stuttered, rasping. My heart sunk in my chest. "The-- The G--"

Liam kicked him in the mouth, and that was enough to silence him. I winced at he yelled out in pain, but afterwards he didn't say a word and he started to shake from his position on the floor.

"You can't kill him like this." I hissed, but they continued their brutal attack on Harry. Every blow made my heart ache, and everything in me wished that the roles were reversed. I couldn't bear to see Harry in this much pain because of me.

Louis laughed. "He tried to trick us, are you absolutely mad?" he paused, "He thought we were dumb so now he has to pay the price. And you-- oh, we're going to have so much fun dealing with you."

A shiver ran down my spine. Were these seriously the people Harry used to acquaint with? I could see why he moved away just to avoid them.

But Louis was wrong about one thing, thankfully.

I pulled the gun out of my dress slowly without them noticing and held my hands behind my back.

Harry must've seen, because despite the pain he was in he gave me a pained smile. And that hurt me more than anything I could have ever possibly imagined.

"Time to finish this off." Noah said, a devilish smile on his face. "This one is for using me, Kat. Maybe you'll see how your selfish actions can hurt others."

I was struggling to let out a full breath when I saw Louis pull out a knife. Should I have done it then? Shot them all and hid Harry somewhere safe, or should I have waited for Louis to get closer?

He knelt down beside Harry's bloodied face and held the knife to his neck. Harry instantly tried to squirm away, but Liam's tight grip forbade him from doing so.

I wanted to break down and cry. No words could humanly explain how I wanted Harry and I to get out of this safe and alive. Something told me the odds weren't in our favor; not this time. All I had was a gun I barely knew how to shoot.

But I was going to have to try.

"Any last words?" Louis asked, and I noticed all 3 boys had their eyes glued to Harry, waiting for him to speak. This was it. My chance.

I raised my gun steadily and hastily pointed it at Louis. He was the one closest to hurting Harry.

I knew that if I didn't hurry and one of them glanced over at me, my one chance at saving Harry and I would be down the drain. So I had to act quick.

Harry sputtered and coughed out blood before speaking. "I'm still smarter than you."

A look of panic and confusion spread across Louis's features. "What are you--"

Noah glanced at me and his eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak but I quickly directed my aim to him and pulled the trigger. Somehow, it shot him right in the head and he slid against the brick wall onto the ground.

Now everything had to be done at once or not at all.

Louis had seemed shocked and so had Liam, but I knew who was more capable of doing away with the both of us quickly.

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