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That Monday going back to school was a real trip for me. I had problems on top of problems, on top of even bigger problems.

For one, it was my first day wearing glasses to school. I could only imagine how people would treat me if I were dating the most hated guy in Eastern.

Secondly, I was scared Caitlyn was going to try to degrade me. I hated to admit it, but even with the assurance from Harry-- the note in the popcorn and the glasses had made me lose a significant amount of confidence.

Usually, I didn't worry what others thought of me.

Thanks to Caitlyn, now I did.

I walked into school with my head down. Hardly anyone noticed me, but when people did they would laugh. Even people that wore glasses themselves yelled things at me like "dork" or "loser", which hurt the most because that's what I used to think of myself of.

I wasn't sure how much longer I could take this day without Harry, and I was hardly half an hour in.

I sat down in the cafeteria, waiting for the bell to ring so we could be dismissed to head to our first period classes.

To make myself look even a bit useful, I pulled out my phone and pretended to be texting someone important. I couldn't even truly text Harry, because he said he would be late to school. How late, only god knew.

Caitlyn walked past, which was my worst fear for that day. I hoped and prayed she wouldn't say anything, but a world where Caitlyn kept her mouth shut when she needed to did not exist. Nothing else to it.

"Well, well, well." she snarled, making the hair on my back rise. I carefully looked up and made eye contact with her, pushing up my glasses.

I looked like a total nerd.

We used to be the cutest ones in the school, wearing all of the newest fashions and making boys' hearts stop.

Now here she was, towering over me.

"What happened to your eyes?" she said in a tone that one would use to talk to a baby. From behind her I could see Noah, staring at me like he was ashamed. "Last time you wore glasses you also wore braces and people called you train tracks."

No, no, no.

I wasn't sure if I couldn't just run out and run away from town. Away from Caitlyn and Noah.

I would do so in a heartbeat.

"I need them." I found the courage to say. "I have for a long time now."

Noah laughed from behind her. "So why didn't you wear then until now? Maybe it was because you avoided wearing glasses just to fit in?"

Almost everyone in the room laughed, making me feel smaller and smaller compared to everyone else.

Just as I thought the torment was over, Caitlyn ripped the glasses from my face and threw them on the ground, before stomping on them repeatedly and crushing them.

She laughed in my face afterwards. I didn't know how someone who used to have my back could so easily turn on me... or was she ever looking out for me?

"Harry bought those for me." I said with gritted teeth, and the moment I said it I regretted it.

Noah snickered, and so did Caitlyn. "Harry?" Noah boomed. "Harry doesn't give two shits about you."

I fought back tears already at such a lie. "Yes he does." I sniffled, going to push up my glasses but when I realized they were no longer on my face my heart pounded in realization. "Harry bought those for me and he cares about me."

Caitlyn just laughed as if I had told the world's funniest joke. Maybe it was, to her. "How does it feel to be friends with the most hated kid in school... and I mean it this time?" she snarled, and the whole room hollered in agreement.

I feel completely powerless.

But my saving grace came, because the bell rang and I bolted out the room for first period. As soon as I made it in the hallway, tears were spilling out of my eyes and a few even dropped on my books.

I hadn't had the courage to look up, but when I did it was too late because I bumped into someone and sent them toppling to the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry." I stuttered.

When I looked down, I was shocked to see Zayn on the floor, recollecting himself.

When he noticed it was me that had been a clutz to him, his frown turned into a smile and he extended his hand. I grabbed it and helped him up.

"Sorry, Zayn." I said sheepishly, and he just shrugged it off.

Or maybe he was trying to get the dust off his shirt.

"Why are you crying?" he asked, his eyes searching mine. It must've been evident that I was a mess, and I wondered how pathetic I must've looked to him.

I shook my head. "Just stressed." I lied, grabbing my book I dropped. "About prom."

Zayn looked around cautiously before leaning in to whisper. "It's all under control. Don't worry, Harry is on his way now."

I wiped my nose and managed to smile at the thought of Harry driving, me probably on his mind. "Can I text him?"

"Call him." Zayn said shortly. "He doesn't text and drive."

He walked down the hallway, and turned around once to smile and wave to me, which I returned of course. Right after, I went into the bathroom and cleaned up before calling Harry. He picked up almost immediately.

"Hey love." his melodious voice hummed into the phone, causing a drunken smile to form on my face even though I wasn't under the influence.

"Harry." I sighed, memories of what had just happened flowing back and causing my mind to run short. "Caitlyn just assaulted me about my glasses and kind of destroyed them."

I could hear Harry gasp, and words could not describe how bad that made me feel.

But instead he just enthusiastically responded, "We can get you a new pair later, okay babe? Don't stress about this. I'm almost there, I need to stop for gas."

"Okay." I said, not really wanting to hang up. Harry was the only thing keeping me sane at this point. Things were getting crazy.

"I can tell you're pouting." Harry said in that cute voice of his. "Just hold on, for me. You can stay on the phone but I'm going to fill the car."


I stood there patiently inside the stall, thoughts of how class had already started in my mind. I really didn't care. I don't think I could've gone back after what had happened; not without Harry by my side.

The sound of gas pumping could be heard, but I almost dropped my phone in toilet when I heard a loud bang similar to a gunshot. And what was even more alarming, was that it sounded like Harry's cell had hit the concrete floor and become completely crushed.

"Harry?" I asked urgently into the phone. "Harry."

He didn't answer.

I had no other choice but to be worried for him. I had no idea which gas station he was at, how far away he was.

The last thing I heard was someone yelling, "I'm going to kill you".

And then the line went dead.

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