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update for all the recent votes... thank you so much! also, listen to the song on the side :)


Were one of my ribs truly bruised? I wasn't so sure.

Because the next morning, I woke up next to Kimberly in bed. Her fairly long hair was clumped in my mouth, making me spit it out immediately in disgust. It smelt good, though.

I didn't feel any pain even though I was lying on my side. If my ribs were bruised, wouldn't I be hurting right now?

Maybe I had some surgery to heal the wounds with a laser like in the movies, but I just didn't remember.

That would be wicked cool.

"H-Harry?" Kat whined out in a low and tired voice, her body turned the opposite way. I stared at her bare back in boredom, her just wearing a sports top.

"Yeah?" I said just as gently as her.

I waited a bit before she turned around and our eyes met. It almost knocked the wind out of my lungs every time her beautiful eyes met mine.

"I can barely see your beautiful face." she mumbled, her eyes fluttering closed out of drowsiness. My heart pounded against my chest.

Never had I ever thought that I would wake up like this.

"We have to get up, babe." I said lazily even though I didn't want to. "It's time for school."

I had learned that because of my "sheer bravery" and finding out about Noah's intentions, my expulsion was revoked. I was allowed back at school.

"No it's not." she groaned, her eyes still closed. Her breath didn't smell pleasant, but for some reason I didn't mind as much as I would if it were a stranger.

"Yes it is." I argued effortlessly. "Get up, you lazy bean."

She giggled and her eyes slowly opened. Every time she did that my heart did somersaults. Kat made me feel less manly that I should've.

But I didn't mind.

"Okay, okay." she gave in and threw the covers off of her, which resulted in the covers flying off of me as well. "I'm getting up."

"Well I guess I am, too." I sighed playfully and slowly eased my way out of bed. She slipped on a tee shirt that I had let her borrow (which she looked extremely cute in) and trudged into her personal bathroom.

While I had some time to myself, I looked aimlessly around her room. On her dresser were personal pictures, and framed photos from her childhood.

I picked one up and held it as if it were a delicacy. It was a picture of Kat when she was a baby, playing with a dog.

That dog looked a lot like Bear.

I set it down carefully were it was when I found it, and my eyes widened when I saw that she had framed one of the selfies we took together while laying on my bed.

That was the day we kissed.

That was the day that she decided to be mine and I decided to be hers. Whoever said it was hard to transition from friends to more was lying, because we made it seem like it was easy.

The smiles on our faces were so genuine, and I remembered when we had all those problems going on but when we were together it was like they didn't even matter.

Now we didn't have any problems that I knew of, and things were going even better. Nothing could be more great.

I traced the outline of her face with my finger, glancing at the ring on my ring finger that Des had given me. A red gem in the middle that must've cost a fortune, as rich as Des used to be.

"Save this for a girl." he had told me, "And make sure you know that she's the one."

I smiled with the memory.

"Hey!" Kat chimed as she came bouncing with glee over to me. She wore what I assumed she was going to be wearing to school-- short denim shorts and a tank top with a cardigan and white converse. It was cute.

She noticed I was looking at her pictures, and her cheeks flushed a deep red. It was weird to see her nervous around me. "So now you know that I framed our selfie." she said shyly.

I leaned in and pulled her closer to me, giving her a hug. "And why do you sound so embarrassed about that, darling?"

She thought for a moment. "It's weird."

"No it's not." I said quickly. "It's cute. And I would love for you to frame more." I said lowly and she nodded slowly.

I was telling the truth, though. I loved how she loved to keep every memory close to her, so she wouldn't lose them or forget. She had everything important to her right on her dresser. And our first picture together.

We keep this love in a photograph. We keep these memories for ourselves. My favorite song. And now I understood.

"Hey." I said slowly before going into the bathroom. She spun around from setting the picture back down to look at me.


"I want to... um, give you something."

I cautiously took the ring off my finger, and held it out for her to take. She gasped right away, the reaction I was hoping for.

Maybe she thought that I was proposing to her.

"Harry... I..."

I grinned sideways and took her hand in mine, slipping the ring on for her. It fit her finger perfectly and it suited her well.

"I'm not proposing to you." I said, trying to read into her thoughts and she seemed a lot more relaxed after that.

She took a moment to admire the ring and gave me a long, full kiss on the lips which I very well enjoyed-- a lot. What a great what to start off my morning. "Why did you give it to me?" she asked. "It always looked so well on you."

"Looks better on you." I shrugged. "Des always told me to give it to a girl when I knew she was the one," I explained. "And I know that I've found the one."

She looked at me in awe. Was this what it felt like, to actually be loved and feel in love.

Only after 3 weeks? Maybe this was just impossible. Some might say I didn't know her well enough. Or maybe our whole life was just some cliche love story.

I didn't think so.

"Thank you, Harry. For everything." she said, her words making me feel complete and whole. It was only 5am, and she had made my day.

"You're welcome." I said slowly, looking at every aspect of her face. She was beautiful. Kind. Good. And all mine.

I was truly lucky.

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