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When I came home with a new pair of glasses on, my family was surprised to say the least. As I had expected, Kimberly giggled and tried them on for herself.

Dad asked, "What motivated you to start wearing those again?"

I lied with a shrug, my hand conveniently 'running' my hurt eye. "Thought it was time for change."

My mom didn't seem to be buying it. "I thought you stopped wearing them because you were wearing contacts." she pressed, "Where are those, then?"

I sighed. "I never got any."

She stayed silent, which I preferred over her usual nagging. But, Dad did have something to ask. "Where's Harry?"

That reminded me. "He's, uh, still in the car. I have to go say goodnight."

I slipped on my jacket quickly, in hopes that my parents wouldn't get any funny ideas; as parents do.

Before I could even get out the door, Dad said, "I want to talk to him."

"Yeah." my mom agreed, making me want to stomp my feet in frustration. This whole situation could not get any more irritating.

Kimberly just looked at me funny from the other side of the counter, currently making me a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream. She was the best. I definitely needed one of those after all that had happened today.

"Okay." I gave in, and when my back was turned to my parents I moved my hand from my eye.

Dad laughed. "I didn't think you would ever stop rubbing that eye of yours."

My head started to spin. "There was something in it." I coughed up a lie quickly for my sake.

"Well, let me look." my mom offered, but I shook my head and started out the door into the night sky. Thankfully, Harry was still patiently parked in the driveway.

I leaned into the window and gave Harry a quick kiss before my parents approached. "When am I gonna see you again?" I whispered.

The glimmer in Harry's eyes was indescribable when I asked. "Even with those dorky glasses on, you look adorable. I'm fighting the urge to get out of this car right now and kiss you."

My cheeks burned red. "Tomorrow?"

He nodded with a wide smile on his face. "It's a date."

Just then, mom and dad approached the car and leaned into the window. I laughed at Harry's expression, which was shocked to say the least.

"Hey Harry!" my dad boomed, before turning to me and grinning like a goofball. "He seems so friendly, Kat!"

I smacked my forehead. Harry's parents were nothing like mine.

"Thank you." I could hear Harry say, with that accent that became more prominent when he was tired-- especially at night.

"And he's foreign!" mom exclaimed. I wanted to climb into one of our bushes and hide from them, taking Harry with me. "Tell me Harry, do you have a green card?"

He looked happy to be talking to them. That was a surprise. "I actually took my test. I'm a citizen."

Mom smiled into the car. "How nice. I'm sure Kat thinks you're a great guy."

I peeked at Harry through the back window, and he gladly looked back. "I do."

"That reminds me," Dad piped in, full of energy. "Would you like to spend the night tonight? It's Friday, and I could only imagine that the two of you would like to spend some time together tomorrow. It would be easier if you were closer."

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