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note: the song's lyrics do not apply to this chapter, just the music video :)


At school we were deemed as heroes.

Apparently, we had been featured on the news. Celebrities as big as Rihanna were shown calling us the "gang busters".

So yeah, I guess we were kind of a big deal.

Caitlyn and Noah were gone, which was no surprises there  to me. In Noah's much injured , no charges were pressed since the investigation-- and security cameras proved that I had killed both him and Liam in self defense.

And even better-- there was going to be another prom.

Yes, it was going to cost another fortune. But then again, luckily our school got reimbursed from the "trauma" we suffered when gunshots went off during the last day as a result of the gangs.

So I had a chance to finally have my last slow dance with Harry. And make it perfect.

Noel wasn't as bitter to me as he used to be. Actually, he was pretty kind.

I had remembered in dodgeball when he let Harry be on my team, just because I wanted him to be. Noel usually hadn't been like that. Something had changed.

I didn't really want to know why, but it did.

After school, Harry blindfolded both Kimberly and I and started driving. I was sure that wasn't legal, but with Harry I allowed some discretion. I trusted him a bit too much.

"Where are we going?" I asked blindly, literally, and Harry just chuckled.

"It's a surprise." he said. "For Kimberly and my girl."

I smiled to myself, knowing that Harry could probably see my reaction. I couldn't stop smiling, actually.

Soon we got there and Harry told us that we could take off our blindfolds. When I did I first met eyes with Kimberly, and we were both equally confused.

But then I looked out the window.

"Hershey?" I asked in disbelief. "Harry, this must've cost a fortune!"

He turned to face us, looking for our reactions. I was shocked but definitely happy, and Kimberly just seemed happy. "It did." he spoke up. "But I have a fortune or two to spare."

I wanted to smile like a freak right now.

But instead I adjusted my cardigan and stepped out of Harry's car, and Kimberly did the same.

From the entrance you could see a yellow rollercoaster, and the cart flew by just in time to see the screaming riders who were scared for their lives.

It seemed really fun. I couldn't wait to ride that one.

"We're never getting on that." Harry said with wide eyes just as I was thinking about how fun it would be to ride it.

Different loops and twists made the coaster seem like a meet with death. But at the same time it was something I definitely wanted to try. "You should get on it with me." I pleaded. "I promise it'll be fun. And if not, you can have anything you want."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Anything?"


"Deal." he said with a toothy grin, and all three of us walked towards the entrance together.

I surely didn't want Kimberly to feel like a third wheel, so I walked next to her and pointed out all the rides that I wanted to get on with her as we passed them.

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