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But frankly, everyone's did.

It's only logical when you're in a room full of people and police show up to think that they're there for you, if you've done even the smallest bad thing before.

"Caitlyn Woods, you are under arrest for gang involvement!"

The whole crowd gasped, and more importantly, put their hands down. Harry and I let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.

Her mouth hung open, agape. "You can't arrest me!" she whined, despite the cops pointing their guns straight at her. "I'm prom queen!"

The DJ snickered into the mic. "Not anymore you're not. Technically, if you're arrested, you don't go to this school. And you can only be queen if you go to Eastern."

A huge smile found its way to my face.

Caitlyn looked horrified, but nonetheless she put her hands up in defeat. Cops climbed the stairs to the stage and put her in cuffs on the spot.

My worst enemy and bully had just been arrested in front of the whole senior class of 2015.

Things could not get any better.

As soon as she and the cops cleared out, the DJ started up again. "Since Caitlyn is disqualified--" there were cheers from the crowd. "Our runner up gets to take on the crown."

My mind was spinning with all sorts of possibilities. Maybe it was Hanna, the girl who drugged my frappe and taunted me for being friends for Harry. Or maybe one of the girls in Noah's posse. Maybe Kimberly.

"Katrina Weber!"

Things did get better.

I couldn't even explain the amount of shock that I felt in that moment. Me? Prom queen? You had to be joking. There was no way. It had to have been rigged.

Harry pushed me at my side. "Go on then!" she chuckled, his smile reaching from ear to ear.

"Is Katrina here?" the DJ asked, scanning the crowd. I perked up and started towards the stage, my heart thumping.

"I'm here!" I piped up, and the crowd was going insane for me. It felt unreal.

When I get up on stage, I felt overwhelmed. A crown was placed on my head and I was offered a sash to wear around me. I proudly wore both and was handed a bouquet of pink carnations.

I didn't even have a speech. Because I was wordless.

"And prom king is..."

Then came the panic. It had to be Noah or Noel. They were most popular in the school. And there was no way I was dancing with either one of them.

"Harry Styles!"

Shock ran through me like a current, and he must've felt the same. I glanced over and saw this his mouth was wide open, but he quickly smiled and jogged on stage besides me.

The tension between us was more than present. Everything in me wanted to leap onto him and hug him with all I had. But I stayed in place.

"Even though Mr. Styles is currently expelled, the votes in his favor were so overwhelming that we had no choice but to give him the title!" the DJ explained and smirked, "Plus, we all knew he was going to sneak in."

The crowd cheered for both of us, and in that moment I felt like nothing could've possibly gone wrong.

"Clear the floor so our prom king and queen can have their first dance."

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