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Later that week, Harry took Zayn out for the promised beer. I decided not to tag along, only because I was getting ready for my second senior prom.

Instead of Caitlyn getting me ready, it was Kimberly. She had filled the spot of best friend, and thankfully it was not likely she would turn her back on me.

"It's not everyday that you get two senior proms." Kimberly commented while doing my hair up in some kind of very fancy bun that apparently was only worn at weddings. "Consider yourself lucky."

I scoffed. "Lucky that Harry and I almost died? Yeah, I'm completely lucky. I must've won the lottery."

Kimberly laughed and removed her hands from my hair. I looked in the mirror, only to see that it looked great as I had expected. She knew how to make someone go from trash to fashion in mere seconds.

"When is Harry picking you up?" she asked, handing me the white gloves that went with my dress.

My lipstick was an electric red, popping brighter than I ever though lipstick ever could. I wore volume defining mascara, and even I had to admit that I looked good.

And finally, I was back to the usual size 5.

"I love your dress." Kimberly cooed, fingering the material of the black, lacy dress. "I'm going to miss seeing your pretty face all the time."

That reminded me that she was leaving soon, even though she had already moved out. That made me pretty sad. It was like when a good thing happened, a bad thing had to happen to balance it out. Like I was at odds with the universe.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said glumly, peering at my melancholy expression in the mirror. "We can always stay in touch, though. Go on vacations-- I don't know but we can make it work."

She gave me a sideways smile. "Long distance friendship."

I looked at her in the mirror and smiled as well. "Yeah." I said faintly, despite the circumstances.

Then she laughed. "You know I'm going to have to get one of your Uncle's lemonade before I go." she was tearing up, but still mustering a weak smile. "Those are good."

"I know." was all I could say.

We walked downstairs in near silence, where I calmed her complaints by pouring her a glass of Mel's lemonade.

"You know," she said in between sips, but it was easy to see that was crying. "Maybe this is why Harry fell for you?"

I was so confused. What was she talking about? And what did mean, Harry fell for me? "What?"

She sighed as if the answer was out in plain sight and took another drink. "Maybe he's just using you for your lemonade."

We both laughed at that.

Afterwards we sat on the couch cartoons, my favorite pastime for when I was bored or waiting for something. It was usually the latter.

It was around five when my parents came strolling into the house, holding bags of groceries. They looked at me in pure amazement before giving Kimberly a sympathetic smile. Even they didn't want her to go.

"You look nice." Mom finally spoke up, her voice cutting through the silence like a sword cuts through thin skin. "I'm happy for you, Katrina."

All I could do was offer a smile. Mom knew who I was going with, so there was no need to lie about that. And I was sure she knew what time he was picking me up. Eight. Just like last time, and the time before that, and--

"Harry is coming later?" Dad asked, as if he were reading my thoughts. That was what parents were the absolute worst at.

I nodded my head and he nodded back. He didn't even have to say a word to either of us, and walked into the kitchen and up the stairs. Mom followed behind.

"You nervous?" Kimberly said from her sprawled out position on the couch, from which I had thought she had fallen asleep.

But I honestly didn't know if I was. Maybe I was nervous, deep down-- but that uneasy feeling would have only been provoked by memories of what happened last time there was a prom.

"I'm guessing you are." she said when I didn't respond, and I wasn't going to even argue with that.

Because it was true.


At eight o'clock en punto, Harry rang the doorbell.

Words could not describe the amount of sheer beauty that was standing before me. Every time he wore a tuxedo it was like he was knocking all the air out of my lungs, leaving me breathless. I was completely surrendered to him when I saw the rose stem sitting between his teeth.

"To a better prom." he said dodgily, trying not to drop the beautiful flower from his mouth. I giggled at how cute and hopelessly romantic he was.

He took the red flower out of his mouth and handed it to me. It was a little gross knowing that his spit was on it, but it was the thought that counted.

"You're the best Harry."

He frowned playfully. "No Kat, you're the best. You saved my life. You helped me take down my bullies. Thank you so much for that."

And then he kissed me.

I couldn't even retaliate to him. Arguing with Harry had no point because I knew that in the end I would always forgive him. It was too hard to stay upset with him. I just couldn't bring myself to do that to myself and to him.

"Have fun at prom." Kimberly said glumly from the couch. It was evident she was sulking about having to leave our company in a matter of weeks.

I didn't want to just leave her there. "Come with us." I beckoned, and she didn't look very moved by that. "Please."

She rolled her eyes and pulled the blanket over her body. She wasn't going anywhere. "What's the point of going if all of those people are going to be a memory to me soon anyway?"

Harry gently smiled and walked over to the couch. Leave it to him to comfort her and put her at ease. Harry was very good at that; it was one of his many good traits.

"They're going to be a memory to all of us. We're graduating senior year, remember?"

She seemed deep in thought for a moment, but still unmoved. There was nothing we could do to get her into the high school spirit.

Just then, Zayn came busting in through the door. "You lot are taking forever, this limo driver is thinking of bloody driving off!"

Harry seemed taken aback but still stayed calm. "We're coming." he said slowly, taking a wistful look at Kimberly.

But she was smiling like an idiot.

What was the deal with her, anyway? It was like she was bummed out and as soon as Zayn came in--


I smirked in knowing her reason for suddenly beaming, and chimed in. "Actually, Zayn, Harry and I have to sort a few more things out."

Zayn sighed. "Then who am I going to drive in this limo with, then?"

"I'll go." Kimberly finally said, "If you're not too embarrassed by me wearing jeans and a tee shirt."

Zayn gave a sideways smile. It seemed like the feeling between the two was mutual, and another one of my matchmaking attempts was a inevitable success. "Of course not." he chuckled.

"Then let me get my back real quick!" she piped, happy as can be, and did a power sprint up our stairs. I was scared she'd be back down too soon, if you know what I mean.

"Way to go, babe." Harry whispered in my ear, giving me a sense of self rewarding.

"But now we have to find a way to get to prom ourselves."

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