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fluffy chapter :)


That day, we spent lounging in my room and eating snacks.

Harry called his parents to let them know that he was staying with me and tomorrow we would be there for dinner. That only brought the realization back and the nervousness was also back again.

Soon it was night and my parents had gone to bed, so we had basically the whole house to ourselves.

"This is the time every Saturday night that I go completely wild." I said excitedly, staring dead into Harry's eyes. "I eat as much as I want, go out late, watch movies, and have my own party."

Harry smiled. "That seems no fun by yourself."

"I know." I said happily. "That's why I'm totally stoked that you're here with me."

He seemed happy by my saying that. "Me too, Kat. I'm having a lot of fun."

I nodded in agreement. "Except for the part where we saw your rival gang at the mall, everything has been going great."

"Yeah." Harry laughed and stood to his feet from my bedroom floor. "I can't believe you thought I was buying that, though. Noah's eyes were going in every direction and he wouldn't stop fiddling with his shirt." he said, "That's a tell."

I raised my eyebrows, impressed. "Didn't know you were a mind reader."

Harry offered the glance back. "Didn't know at night you go completely... buckwild."

"Harry!" I laughed, standing to my feet as well and hitting him softly. "You know how much I hate country things."

"Things?" Harry asked with a sly smile.

"Yes, things." I frowned playfully. "Music, shows, and-- oh my god, don't get me started on honey boo boo."

Harry laughed. "Good thing that show got cancelled, huh?"

We were actually having a good time until my door slowly opened, revealing a curious Kimberly standing at my door.

"Um... hey." I said slowly, diverting my gaze from Harry to her. "I thought you were done with the office work by now."

She played with the hem of her tee. "That's actually what I came up here to tell you two." I could tell she was holding back whatever she was about to say.

Harry just looked at her while she spoke. "Yes?" he asked. "What is it, then?"

"My parents kicked me out." she said bluntly. "So I'm staying here for a while. My mom knew Kat's mom, so they decided to let me crash until I get enough money for a home."

"How... nice, of my parents." I stuttered, trying to find the appropriate words to say. If anything could explain how I felt, it would be the word stunned; I didn't expect my parents to make a move of such generosity, even as kind hearted as they were.

"Well good thing you just told us because we're about to party buckwild!" Harry exclaimed, loud enough to show his excitement but not too loud that it would wake my parents up.

Instead of personally disowning him for using that word again, we all trekked downstairs and into the kitchen. Harry hopped onto the island and sat on the electric stove.

"Careful," I half joked. "Last time I sat up there my big sister turned it on and I got a permanent burn mark on my butt."

Harry laughed and jumped down. "I didn't even know you had a big sister." he said, glancing at Kimberly like she was who I was talking about. "Where is she?"

"College." I said quickly. These days, I didn't really think of my sister much. She was a bully to me when she lived here, and I could only imagine what she could do to me when she didn't have to live under our parents' rules.

"Oh." Harry said and opened the freezer. "Let's make sundaes!"

That surely cheered me up.

Kimberly got out the whipped cream and sprinkles, and Harry got the neapolitan icecream. I got the bowls and spoons, and the bite sized candy bars.

"I want chocolate." Harry said happily. "And put lots of whipped cream and Kit Kat's on mine."

He smiled at me with a suggestive grin, as if he had just made the best pun in the universe. I just shook my head and scooped out his icecream.

"How much whipped cream?" I asked, a huge smile plastered on my face from his previous joke.

He held the can up and thought for a moment. "I want a lot."

So I took the can from him and piled as much whipped cream as I possibly could on top of his ice cream, to the point where you couldn't see it anymore. And then to make it even better, when Harry was off guard, I shoved his face into it and he came back up with a face full of creme.

"Good one." he said sarcastically, and Kimberly and I just laughed. He licked off as much as he could, but the only features on his face that were visible were his eyes and eyebrows.

"I wonder how you're gonna get it off..." I droned suggestively, holding up two spoons and giving one to Kimberly. She was just giggling, obviously enjoying the casual way I spent my Saturday nights.

Kimberly started, spooning off chunks of cream and eating them with ease. Slowly but surely, Harry's face was revealed again and he looked like steam was about to come out of his ears-- which made me laugh even harder.

"Sorry, Harry." I gave him a fake apology, but he just grinned from ear to ear and stuck his face in the bowl again.

When he popped back up, he had chocolate ice cream all around his mouth. "Now that's the right way to eat ice cream." he chuckled, and I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"I thought you were mad at me." I said honestly, watching him lick the frozen dessert from his face.

He shook his head. "How can I ever be mad at my eye candy?" he joked, holding up a Kit Kat bar.


After we had all eaten our sundaes, we stayed in the living room and left a movie on that we didn't really watch. Kimberly laid on the lone side of the couch, while Harry and I were cuddled up on the other end under that same plaid blanket.

"Now I know why you love this blanket so much." he said, his words slurred as they tended to do when he got tired. This time, I wasn't going to be the last to fall asleep.

"It keeps me warm." I said simply, hugging him under the sheets from even more warmth. I already felt myself drifting off to sleep. "So do you." I mumbled.

Harry just stared into my eyes and I stared into his.

"You were really nice to Kimberly today." I whispered. "Taking her in like she was our third musketeer."

He nodded. "I'm sure she needed it." he said. "I can only imagine what it's like to be homeless."

I didn't even want to think about that.

Soon, I was slipping into unconsciousness in Harry's arms.

And as I was falling asleep I could've sworn I felt a pair of lips on mine, but it must've been a dream.

"Goodnight Harry." I mumbled without being aware of it.

In my dreams, he always responded with, "Night babe."

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