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Please listen to the song with this chapter even if it isn't your music taste bc it's a big clue and its important for the chapter

also, PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS: can you see the attached picture? because lately ive been having a glitch where I can't see them. PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS BECAUSE THE PICTURES ARE IMPORTANT. :)


The dinner was all that I expected it to be-- upscale.

Harry ordered the shrimp-- which I decided not to tell him about my mom's recommendation after--, and I decided to go with a simple soup and salad.

We spent a total of 50 dollars, with 150 left to spare. My mom wouldn't have been that careless when it came to money. She knew that we were on to more than I was letting up.

After dinner, Harry drove us back to my house. I offered to let him stay the night for movies with my family, and surprisingly he accepted. Kimberly was still there, which was surprising considering that it was almost midnight.

"How was your dinner?" Kimberly asked, and when she noticed that Harry and I's hands were intwined she found that it was needless to say more.

Harry yawned and we sat down together on the living couch next to Kimberly, waiting for my parents to come in. I wondered if he was as nervous as I was to meet my parents again. Probably not, because everything came so easy to him.

Soon, my parents came trailing down the stairs with wide smiles as soon as they saw Harry. They sat down with us on the couch and Kimberly got up from her spot.

"I'll pop the popcorn, Dave can pick the movie!" she said eagerly, and my dad didn't look like he could be bothered by her using his first name already.

We were all tired, especially Harry.

"Hey." I nudged him to stop him from dozing off. "Just make it through this first movie. I swear it's a good one." I whispered in his ear, my lips just slightly brushing against his earlobe and he shuddered.

He looked up at me and sat upright. "What movie is it?" he asked, his voice croaky and his british accent popping out like nobody's business.

"World War Z." I said proudly.

Dad stopped his fiddling for movies and turned on the video game system instead at my words, which resulted in my mom handing me the controller.

"Nice pick, sweetheart." dad said gingerly from his spot on the coach. "I could watch that one over and over."

As I navigated for Netflix, I noticed Harry was shivering.

"What's wrong?" I asked in his ear. I gave the remote to mom, and she started the movie for me just as Kimberly came back with the popcorn.

"This movie is about zombies, right?" he asked shakily. "And I'm scared."

I sighed and pulled my favorite plaid blanket out from under a couch pillow, and threw it over him in one swift motion. We were both covered by its soft cloth and it always made me feel more safe when I was scared.

Dad dimmed the lights and I could tell that only made Harry feel less at ease.

The movie started and the theme music, as creepy as it was, even unnerved me a bit. Harry just sat still from under the blankets, not shaking any more.

"You're safe." I mumbled to him, not looking at him. "Don't worry. Zombies aren't real, alright?"

"Alright." he said, his words slurred and drawn out.

Confused, I looked at him only to see that he had been staring at me and not the movie the whole time.

"Harry." I said, unamused. But even though now I was staring back, his eyes were fixed on my face. "Harry what's wrong?"

"Nothing." he said dully. "Just looking at your face. I like it."

I giggled, but low enough so that only Harry and I could hear. Everyone else thought we were just enjoying the movie. "Is that a compliment?"

Harry let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes, darling. It is a compliment, because I'm calling you pretty." he whispered.

By now the movie was already at the part where the plot had began to come into play, and my parents and Kimberly looked engulfed into it-- even the popcorn was untouched. I grabbed the bowl and put it in between Harry and I.

"Buttery." he said when he grabbed a handful. "My favorite."

"Mine too." I smiled, my eyes on his as I ate. "I picked it out. I always do."

"You have nice choice." he mumbled, his words getting lower and lower with every passing syllable that dissipated into the air.

Our faces were getting closer and closer, like some unknown force were slowly pulling them so that they would touch.

"Do you want to watch another movie?" mom asked, snapping me out of whatever sort of trance I was in and instantly pulling Harry and I's faces a reasonable distance apart.

Harry's cheeks had become a deep shade of pink, and it felt like mine had too. "Erm-- no, mi-miss weber. We're fine." Harry stuttered. He looked so adorable when he was nervous.

Dad just laughed and unpaused the movie that I hadn't even realized was paused in the first place.

After a few minutes, my heartbeat had gone back to normal and I heard faint snoring in my ear. I turned and looked to only see that Harry was asleep, all of his weight pressing on my back.

"Hey." I whispered. "Harry, wake up. This isn't funny."

He didn't wake up, and that's how I knew I was screwed. I just embraced his weight on me and leaned a bit myself, trying to lift off to sleep.

I fixed the blanket so that it was covering Harry completely, and his eyes stayed screwed shut as I turned to face him as I fell off to sleep.

"Goodnight Harry."

And even though he was asleep, I could almost swear I heard him say,

"Goodnight Kit Kat."

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