Chapter 34: Coincidence

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Sophie woke up and yawned. She looked out the windows at the pristine morning and the glowing sun. She opened the windows to breathe in some of the fresh mountain air. The breeze moved her tussled golden hair gently. The morning dew dripped from the glass panes on to her soft skin making her shiver as the coldness tickled her.

As the sun grew higher, trees, birds and people awoke to begin their new day.

" your breakfast properly." Her father, Michael, complained.

"Dad! I am not a kid!" Sophie started too.

"But you sure eat like one. What's the hurry?" Her mother, Tanya, said.

"Hmm...I need the time to get dressed properly." Sophie said gracefully.

"Yeah...yeah it would sound so amazing if your toast did not look like it was being tortured to death in your mouth." Her brother John joined in as he took a chair and sat down on the dining table.

Sophie pouted.

"Ah but I can surely guess why she needs the extra time to get dressed." John added.

"John..don't you dare!" Sophie exclaimed

"O really...everyone knows it already dear!" Tanya giggled.

"Mom!" Sophie yelped.

"What are you guys talking about? How come I am the last to know always?" Michael looked confused.

"Cause dear, you are blind as a bat. Why does a girl need so much time to make herself look good?" Tanya asked.

" it's a boy. You were going out with that boy called Enrique right?" Michael asked.

Sophie, John and Tanya stared blankly at him. Then they all shook their heads in unison.

"Dad, Enrique was the boy I went out with when I was 14!" Sophie said.

"I still wonder how your company can make profit, dear..." Tanya said.

", good one!" John said.

"Oh..was it that long ago. He was good kid though." Michael shrugged.

"Dad...seriously..." Sophie shook her head.

Some time later,

"Sophie, hurry up!" Tanya shouted.

"Yes, I am just coming down." She appeared downstairs wearing short bluish tights and green jersey. She had put on white jacket on top. Her hair was tied behind.

She took her helmet out from the coat rack and walked outside to get her cycle. She placed her cycle on the car's cycle rack and then moved on to the passenger's seat.

"Alright Dad..let's go." And the car zoomed forward.

Due to her involvement in her father's business and due to the fact that the office and factory were closer to home, Sophie decided to commute to college from her parent's home instead of finding a closer rented place.

Her house was not that far off though, just about 15 kms to the college. Enough for a bus ride, though her Dad did drop her off if he had to go into the city like today. But Sophie did not take the bus back home. She cycled. Switzerland was a beautiful place and cycling up and down the slopes was her favorite thing to do.

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