Chapter 24: Back again...

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Please Note: Statements between % something in italics % are game system messages. 


It was an uproar like nothing else.

The revealing of the permanent death system caused a large scale argument to break out between its supporters and its detractors. As many people welcomed it as wanted to leave the game. For two real time days the forums had exceeded capacity limits. Intense discussions were taking place in both virtual and real meeting places. What did it mean? How was it applied? How long will it take?etc etc. People did not completely understand Age yet so how could they understand how long it will take to reach 150. Disease was a completely new phenomenon as well. So far only Swamy had contracted one or that's what he guessed.

And that lead to another problem. Swamy did not know how to describe this phenomenon. He clearly remembered Mr Collins from the interview who said that 'Unlike levels, having a higher age may not mean that the person is simply stronger than the other but it will mean that he/she knows more about the game, its world and its inhabitants.' Word by word this was exactly what was said. Swamy had even seen the interview again, courtesy of someone who had uploaded it to youtube, to confirm this. Now, if one looked at it logically, he/she could easily understand that game information was one of the factors determining Age, but not the only one. If Swamy thought about it some more, Mr. Collins also didn't say that having an higher Age made you 'definitely' stronger/weaker than the other so level experience, like in other games, also played some part in determining it. Most of all he never said that simply knowing more about the game increases your Age.

'So how did this happen?'

Group psychology is a strange thing. When in confusion people tend to follow the one with the most confidence, even when he could be completely wrong. And just like that misunderstanding becomes truth.

Someone had clearly misunderstood Mr. Collins's words and confidently equated more game knowledge equals more Age. Ok, one can logically argue that more Age equals more game knowledge so the opposite must be true.

Language, unfortunately, is not convenient like maths. Game knowledge was only a factor which determined Age. So having higher Age will always mean that the person has a greater game knowledge. The opposite however, may not be true. But someone had confidently stated that it is. And so post after post were filled with questions. 'Why would you kill the expert? Shouldn't you value them? Wouldn't the experts help the company itself?' etc etc.

'Even thinking simplistically I reached Age 15 in 4 months. That means it will take more than 3 years to get to 150 at the least. It's a pretty long time.'

That was neither here nor there though and it looked like today also, the forum would be filled with hundreds of thousands of posts.


The forest outside Thelmova. A monkey and a parrot were fighting a rabbit. The monkey swiftly jumped on a branch and looped over the rabbit's head. It quickly attacked with its hands and before the rabbit could react, the monkey jumped back up on the branch. While the rabbit was distracted, the parrot attacked swiftly with its claws, digging it into the soft flesh, lifting it up. The parrot then threw the rabbit, smashing it onto the nearest tree. Finally the monkey jumped down and twisted the head of the now stunned rabbit, killing it.

"Ooh delicious. We have to get human to cook it." (monkey)

"Hmm..but isn't he vegetarian? I have only seen him eating fruits." (parrot)

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