Chapter 16: Tea Party

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Tea Party

Though it was merely a few estates away, Penelope Featherington had taken their family carriage as she goes to the residence of the formidable Lady Agatha Danbury. She had been led by the housekeeper, Mrs. Coral, to the main drawing room where today's host had already been enjoying the start of the afternoon.

Penelope quickly examines the room, yet subtly not to make it seem obvious to Danbury. The room had been given a lot of thought she noticed. The furniture, the wallpapers and the decorations were in shades of purple representing Danbury's wealth and independence. She was quick to notice that there is also a familiar person sitting opposite of Agatha. That said person seemed to give her a warm smile upon seeing her enter the room.

"Good afternoon, Lady Danbury, Mrs. Bridgerton. It is truly an honor to be in the presence of such distinguished company. I trust you are both in good health and spirits on this fine day." Penelope Featherington offered a deep and respectful curtsey to the two esteemed ladies of the gathering.

The two women warmly smiled back to welcome the young lady.

"Ah, Miss Featherington, dearest." Agatha says, her voice carrying the warmth of genuine affection. "What a pleasure it is to have you grace us with your presence. Welcome to my humble abode. Pray, allow me to express my sincerest gratitude for honoring us with your company today." She motions for the youngest Featherington to take her seat on the vacant chair between her and Violet Bridgerton. "I trust you shall find our gathering most delightful, filled with stimulating conversation and the finest of refreshments. Please do make yourself comfortable."

The ginger head had politely taken her seat and glanced at the curate placed on the table. A lot of appetizing finger sandwiches, scones with spreads and mouth-watering eclairs were provided for the ladies to enjoy along with the tea. Penelope innocently smiled at the sight of such delights. Violet Bridgerton have of course, noticed this and shared a wink with Lady Danbury. After spending tea a countless time with Penelope, the Bridgerton matriarch had already known the latter's preferences; sharing it with Agatha Danbury to help the dowager provide the best hospitality for the Featherington miss.

Agatha then poured the young lady some freshly brewed tea she recently had from China. Its aroma was a treat to their noses as the smell filled the room. "Miss Featherington, pray tell, how have you been faring as of late? I trust life has treated you more kindly this year."

Violet had joined Danbury in inquiring how the young lady had been faring in life. It has been a long while since Penelope had joined in on her weekly tea gathering at the Number Five estate in Mayfair Street. "Do share with us your news, dear Penelope. It has been a while since we shared life over tea." The Bridgerton matriarch smiles softly at the red-haired girl.

Penelope Featherington sadly smiled back at Violet. She had been intentionally skipping the invitations extended by the latter for tea time at the Bridgerton house, mainly to avoid Eloise and not to hear news or anything about Colin. "You can just call me Penelope, Lady Danbury." The youngest Featherington smiles softly at the old woman. She picks up her tea and puts it near her mouth before she answered to their request.

"I must admit, life has been filled with its usual twists and turns, yet amidst it all, I find myself blessed with unexpected turn of events, my lady." Penelope says as she sips her cup of tea.

Agatha looks at Penelope with her keen eyesight, as if scanning her whole being before having her mischievous smile painted on her wrinkled face. She began, with her tone gentle yet laced with curiosity, "That so? I heard you have gained a lot of suitors since the start of this season, would that be true?"

"Yes indeed, my lady. I may have to thank her Majesty for that." Penelope shyly answers the question raised for her.

"Being proclaimed by the Queen as the jewel of the season might've helped Penelope, but surely those suitors have probably realized how kind and beautiful you are. A woman worthy of admiration, indeed." Violet added, so to raise the young lady's confidence and self-esteem.

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