Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman

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A Vulnerable Gentleman

Lady Danbury and Penelope Featherington went inside the inner palace and walked towards the guest wing where Duke Debling's bedchambers would be. Penelope knocked on his door but there was no response from the other side. She looked back at Agatha silently asking her what to do next. Lady Danbury then knocked three times before introducing herself.

"Thomas, it is I Lady Danbury." It took a few seconds before they could hear the faint sound of the duke's voice.

"Come in."

As Lady Danbury and Penelope entered Duke Debling's bedchambers, they found him attempting to bandage his hand. There was a look of sadness and shame that clouds his features. The two ladies inquired about his well-being, expressing their concern for the man.

With a weary sigh, Duke Debling acknowledged their presence. "I am.. managing, my ladies." He replied with his gaze flickering between the two women. Fatigue was evident on his voice. Thomas was dressed less formally as he had removed his coat and vest, his cravat freed from his neck, leaving him clad only with his white shirt and breeches. Despite being dressed down, he still looked handsome and charming save the scratches and wounds on his manly body.

Upon seeing Duke Debling's disheveled state, Lady Danbury and Penelope exchanged concerned glances. Agatha, taking charge of the situation, directed Penelope to assist the duke in tending to his wounds.

"Penelope, my dear." Agatha began, her voice carrying a tone of authority softened by affection. "I believe you are better suited than I to assist Duke Debling with his wounds."

Penelope Featherington nodded, recognizing Lady Danbury's subtle indication for her to take charge of the situation. Silently thanking the old woman on her thoughts, as she had truly wanted to be the one to help Thomas tend to his wounds, hence her reason for asking permission to see the man. "Of course, Lady Danbury." Penelope replied, her voice steady as she approached Duke Debling.

Agatha Danbury, with a knowing and playful look, made her way to a nearby settee, settling herself comfortably as she spoke. "I trust you both to tend to this matter with the utmost decorum. But I understand you two might need to have a private conversation. I shall be here, standing guard at the door, ensuring no one disturbs us."

With Lady Danbury's implicit approval and assurance, Penelope and Thomas exchanged a brief yet meaningful glance, understanding the gravity of the situation before them. As Penelope carefully tended to the duke's wounds, a quiet yet palpable tension hung in the air between them. Sensing the weight of the moment, Penelope spoke softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Are you in much pain, your Grace?" She inquired, her eyes flickering with empathy as she continued to dress his injuries. She could not help but notice the bruise developing on his face, the wounds bleeding on his knuckles and the cut on his lip, a testament to the physical altercation that had occurred earlier.

Duke Debling met Penelope's gaze and offered the young lady a faint smile despite the sadness in his eyes remaining unmistakable. "It's nothing I can't bear, Miss Featherington. I'm afraid my pride suffered more damage than my hand."

Penelope paused in her ministrations, her heart aching at the sight of Duke Debling's troubled expression. "You acted out of honor and chivalry. There is no shame in defending one's honor, especially against such unjust provocations." She reassured him gently with her tone unwavering.

"Penelope.. After what happened earlier..  Have you become afraid of me? I never want you to fear me or doubt my intentions. You mean everything to me, and I would never want to do anything to jeopardize that. I never want you to think so poorly of me." Thomas' voice was laced with vulnerability. His gaze was directed to her beautiful crystal blue eyes, before resigning his stare downwards at his knees.

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