Chapter 7 - Trouble at the Gates (New)

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I peeked around the group in front of us as a commotion broke out at the front of the line. 

"Alright fuckers! We're the gatekeepers of this place now! Please us and we'll let you pass! Waste our time and you'll end up like these fuckers!" One of the guards was walking off to the side of the line, holding what seemed to be a poor couple in withered rags, barely showing any skin, and what little skin was shown had a pale, sickly look to it and was extremely thin for a human. "These dumb fucks decided that they wanted to try and give us the minimum fee required to enter this pristine city I and my pal, Bob, call home!" 

Oh I guess that one's Larry then huh?

He wore a suit of thick silver armor that looked like it should've stayed in the middle ages of war back on Earth. The gauntlets he wore had dents and deep gouges in them in various places and the entire thing had seemingly been painted a various array of red and gold, and various spots being marked black like the greaves, boots, and the hands of the gauntlets. The helmet was a sort of mangled mess of a bucket and a triangle glued together at odd angles, and it was also painted to show a sort of eternal mad grin on the front. 

"You know what we do with peasants around here?" He asked holding the two's arms as he looked around for a moment, and then he clenched both hands and the two people in his arms screamed as several cracks sounded in the silent expanse of both lines. They whimpered and clutched their arms as he threw them to the side, tucking a small pouch into his waist-band and looking at everyone under that strange helmet. "We crush them." 

He then walked back to his position and waved a hand, "Just give us what we want and nothing should happen to you. I don't care how you get it either, nor will I give a shit how the money as long it's the right amount and not something that's will cause me a damn headache." 

"Next!" A deeper voice bellowed and I snuck around Red to see the other side of the line and there stood a giant of a Bull-man? At least that's what it looked like: 

His armor was of a similar style as the other guy but looked more intimidating since he was taller by at least two feet. The armor was a deep red color and the helmet he wore had giant black horns sticking out of the top of each temple, curving up and slightly forwards. He looked even more intimidating than the Larry guy with only a thin slit traveling the length of the helmet with what seemed to be two glowing red lights hiding under it. 

"Ugh. He's always so dramatic about everything, and he treats everyone the same. It pisses me off how little he cares about people. It's all about money in his eyes, and I bet he skims a few off the top before turning in to the Guard to report his station gatherings." Red growled. I looked at the two people at the side of the road, clothes all muddied and still in tatters as they cradled each other and the broken limbs they bore. 

I reached into the chest in my mind and made my way over to them...he didn't care about where the money came from right? And it seemed like everyone was trying to stay under the radar for as long as they could, because if something bad happened it would upset the two upstarts at the gate. They shouldn't be hurt or killed with those two on guard duty for now, so helping them out a little should be fine...

I stopped. I didn't even know the amount those two wanted to get in, and I didn't want to just give these two a gold coin in case that got them in trouble or something. I snuck over to the front of the line, keeping an eye on Red and the two injured people as I watched things happen. 

"Two silver for entry." Larry said and the person at the front of the line guffawed. 

"What?! Yesterday it was just one silver to get in, now it's two?!" The lizard person screeched and Larry really didn't seem to like that. He stepped up to the anthro-lizard person and leaned down to get in their face. 

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