Chapter 16 - Looking Around (Part 3)

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Thanks to 
Mark Areggor  for Joining Soft Padded!

Getting dismissed from the kitchens to allow Pops to make sure everything was cooking correctly was probably one of the most saddening partings I've ever been through in this life--not counting Red making me get rid of my Noodles...I still needed to find a large pool of them and, oooh! Maybe I could make a giant pit or something and just put a bunch of them there!

...Though, I still needed a way to make sure I wouldn't kill all of them while playing around-- 

I shook my head vigorously. This wasn't something that I needed to be thinking about right now, though I did want to go after Redline and see what she was doing in the city. Though, I doubted I would get very far from the mansion without the demon catching and locking me in one of the possibly hundreds of rooms here: at least until he  let me out again...if that ever happened. 

I did not want to be trapped in a room bored out of my mind. No matter how big they were...nope!

I decided that now was probably one of the better times I could go down to that gym area and test out the limits to my Strength; after all there was sure to be some differences with dragons compared to most other species. Other than things that appeared through the use of Skills or genetics.

I also needed to find a way to train both my breath attacks: (Flame) and (Toxic Breath) were both still at a lower level than I imagined would be very effective against other people or things at higher levels...I just didn't have the heart to go about torturing the various bunnies and other critters around the property just for leveling...

I walked around for a while--ten minutes-- eventually finding myself on the roof looking at the sky, and the surrounding (gigantic) walls around the Human City-Kingdom they seemed to have going...I wondered if there was an academy or something for learning here like in most fantasy media. There was bound to be an Orphanage or something in the city for sure, maybe even multiple with how huge this place was. 

...And there was also probably a school in that inner ring area reserved for 'the best.' I hoped that I'd get the chance to go there: I've never had to deal with anything close to something like that, or even get a change to even see one back on Earth.

I looked at the sky for a moment: The Suns were still such a strange sight--even after seeing them a few times now--to think that this planet orbited two of them, while still being in a habitable zone too. I'd only really cared about the processes of how Stars worked, their actual place in space and why they were there wasn't all that interesting back in Astronomy class...I wondered if that was something they had here too, or if it was just something that was accepted and never explained, just another thing they would say "It's because of Magic" for? 

Hey, maybe dragons regularly went to space to absorb the energy of stars or something...they probably didn't get much here, being stuck on one planet. While being a huge planet and a similarly gigantic area of land: it was still only one giant piece sharing every resource in it with every species able to use such resources. And having to share magic resources on top of Physical ones was sure to be something that was hard to just live with...

I caught scent of Redline in the wind and looked towards where she went towards the city: I really, really wanted to go after her. To look at the city and see all of the other things there, but the looming threat of accidentally mass murdering everyone here, not knowing what I would be doing or where I would be going, kept that impulse in check. With one last look at the sky I looked at the clock again before heading back inside:


Ugh. Why did days take so long here? I still had around forty minutes till I got to go back to the kitchen to check on my meats! At least this was training my (Hunger Resistance) a little, so that was a decent trade-off in the short term...At the moment most of my Resistances weren't that high--other than (Fear) due to...recent events--and I had no idea how to train them other than just standing in fire, eating toxic stuff, or starving myself.

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