Chapter 10 - The Human Empire (Part 3)

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This is the last Part. I'm going to dip my feet into writing a bit of lore...let me know whether it's too much, too little, boring, interesting; anything goes...
Also I'll be mentioning my First Pledges (no matter the tier (be it $1, $3, or $5)) for the first two weeks and beyond according to tier pledge!

Patreon Support: ShadowOfShadow, RealistSophist, Argon

The Human Empire was a place of great power and lots of bloody history between it and the surrounding territories...sometimes cities even going to war with each other due to something happening between them. This was actually how the City of Forge was created: 

A bloody war broke out among two factions: one side was keen on keeping the peace and letting everyone, even beast-kin, live how they wanted to with equality and prosperity as one of their main virtues, and the other was a city that was strict on the policy against the care of any kind of Demi-human race. To them anything and any person (human) that willingly gave themselves over to a member of the animal race was no longer a person and instead a stain on the name of the Empire. In their eyes the Human's were supposed to be a race living up to the name and wearing the title of conquerors with pride. 

Conquest was a city for the slavery of any and all kinds of Demi-human, with most beast-kin being taken under chains and cast into slavery. Any human suspected of being in a relationship with any kind of demi-human was publicly executed, and the one they had given themselves to was stripped of their belongings and paraded through the city for days before meeting the same fate. 

The other city, Bravery, was a city that had been looked down upon by Conquest's citizens for nearly a hundred years at that point. Because they not only viewed Demi-humans and beast-kin as part of the community, but they also gave them rights and allowed them to work among the people! There had been several attempts to wage war against the city, but each and every attempt had ended in failure as not only were the 'messengers' sent there treated with great respect and care...very few of them actually came back to live as citizens of Conquest after a few trips. 

It had finally reached a boiling point when a training party of beast-kin and human citizens from Bravery were sent on an adventure to the near-by forests. Purposefully going in a direction where they wouldn't be anywhere near any routes or boundaries of Conquest's territory or network, but little did they know they were walking into a trap. Conquest had been sending scouting groups and small parties of adventurers to the area for years to map out the routes Bravery took their recruits on and this time they had set up a trap. 

A group of five mercenaries from Conquest, wearing their city's colors and insignia proudly on their breasts ambushed they traveling party of trainee adventurers and soldiers, killing everyone there and only leaving alive a senior adventurer with the threat of war if they did not submit. 

After that fateful event the cities declared war upon each other and to say that it was a fair fight would be like comparing a mock battle to a sword fight. Conquest was utterly crushed under the might of Bravery and it's combined forces of human and Demi-human the city named after it's own conviction was turned into a wasteland of death and humiliation. 

It was then that the new merged territories were named Forge, after the relationship Bravery had formed with the various races that populated it. New laws were put into place, and the cities were reformed into a giant mega-city that combined most of the population in both Bravery and Conquest. The majority of which had been nearing a third in slave citizens and nearly a fourth of reforming citizens. 

By the time the news had reached the Emperor of The Human Empire, Forge had already put new laws into place and was already in the process of rebuilding their new city: turning the fallen of Conquest's former soldiers into slaves for the building process, and even allowing them a chance of citizen-ship, a new start at life... but only if they had both shown that their minds had truly changed and by taking a blood oath to never do intentional harm to any citizen within Forge for as long as they lived...

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