Interlude 1 - A Different Perspective

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Aurora: That was the name I was given, I didn't feel like I deserved it.

Aurora were spectacles of Gravity combined with the light from the stars to make amazing patterns flowing through the sky and even the vastness of space. Me...I was just a failure.

I failed to save my parents.

I failed to keep the few friends that I had safe when they needed it most.

I failed to make a single working piece of mechanical machinery, inventions that I had taken to using since I was also a failure of a Magic-Blessed Dragon.

I failed at even being a dragon...I couldn't fly. Yeah, for some reason my species of Dragon wasn't born with wings, and our scales shown brighter than should've been possible--even in the dark--making hunting impossible.

I found a way around that though, and was able to kill prey rather easily thanks to the one invention of mine that worked: I called it a spear launcher; it launched a sharpened projectile at a speed faster than most B ranked creatures could dodge and with a little (Teleportation) I could make it strike the target pretty much as soon as it left the contraption!

It was my best work...and here it lay, irreparably ruined.


Aurora shot up in the hammock she called home, almost falling out of it as her mind separated  from the nightmares of past memories. She slept in an alley near the outskirts of the city, off in a section that was rarely traveled, nor checked from the below or above Guards and passerby. Perfect for a wingless dragon that every dragon there knew couldn't fly or hunt, and those above that could didn't dare approach. She knew because several had noticed her scales and left to go  do other things around the city. Aurora meticulously peeked over the side to see if there was anyone walking around or under her, and seeing no one, she quickly tipped herself over and let the hammock dump her out into the air: twisting itself shut in the process.

She landed gracefully on the ground in a practiced manner and looked up at her makeshift bed it wasn't the best but at least she wasn't bothered here. Her scales and lack of wings drew a lot of unwanted attention. Aurora looked at the time in her system:


School was going to be starting again in a few years now and she had yet to reach her second  evolution to guarantee her entry. Whether a dragon had a good family status or not didn't matter as long as a dragon reached their third evolution at less than a half century in age or having reached their second evolution by 20 years old...those ones usually got scholarships to attend. Aurora had hit her second stage at around 10 years old but was too afraid of trying to enter due to her lack of status as a 'true dragon' in most eyes. Instead--Most of her time was instead spent going around the city hiding and trying her best to grow stronger in secret so that she wouldn't be looked down upon by the other Dragons.

Aurora mechanically snuck through the various alleys towards the area she regularly went for training. Thankfully the Dragon Empire was a society built upon training to become strong rather than just supporting the strong and casting out the weak: Providing the necessary environment for such opportunities, so in every area of a city--at every direction and corner-- there was a sponsored place Dragons could go to do exactly that without punishment for destroying anything...there were warnings and punishments for breaking too many things or outright destroying a building of course, but that hasn't happened so far, while Aurora's been going to use them.

She'd been going there since she was (Young) to learn how to read, write, and to train. Even before her parents had gone off to fight in the Great War and never came back...Aurora shook her head, she wasn't going to distract herself with something that had happened a few decades ago now. It's been almost twenty years now--not long by dragon standards, but long enough for a parent to be missing one of the most crucial times a (Young) Dragon had when growing up. It was the time when a (Young) Dragon would start developing their personality and outward actions based upon that chosen personality. And it was their job to steer them away from a kind of personality if it was going to end up killing them in the future.

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