Chapter 8 - The Human Empire (Part 1)

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Once we entered the city Redline immediately started walking faster, with a more determined gait than before and I had to walk twice as fast to match her pace. Where was she going now? I wasn't even being given a chance to actually look around and take in the new things! I let out a hiss to convey my annoyance and watched, amused, as her tail puffed up again. Though, sadly, that seemed only to make her increase her pace and I was forced to practically jog beside her. 

I only caught glimpses here and there but it seemed that this was only the first layer of the city. The lower class individuals, but they didn't look like it to be honest. The houses all around were all in decent condition, with stone foundations, walls, and slanted roofs to allow the weather and other objects to slide off, if roughly. The walls were still very much an imposing sight even an hour into the city and I only noticed now that there was a second set of walls in the distance. They looked pretty similar to the first ones, but the outside of it glowed with power and seemed to reflect light back to the surrounding darkness. 

It took us a long few hours to get there, even at the speed that Red was rushing at, and I noticed that as we went by there were a few places here and there with stables attached to the sides of the houses with straw for those strange horse creatures to sleep on, and there were also even a few Bovine-like ones here and there, most just roaming around without purpose...just watching  passively as we rushed by. 

The houses also seemed to grow bigger and get slightly more spacious, with more roads leading off into wide alleys and even some empty stalls that were empty and unmanned in the edges of almost every road. This place really was huge, we were still in the first area of the city and already it looked like the commoners and low-class people had better living spaces than I did back on Earth. 

Though that was mostly my choice as I had way too much money and even getting a mansion wouldn't have put a dent in the funds I'd gotten from my parents and that I think of it even my parents, or parent, here had to have been insanely wealthy with such a large pile of riches in that cave I'd been born in. Or maybe they were supposed to be my guardian or something similar? I didn't know, and I didn't really mind that at the moment because I really had no need for money in this life as of yet. 

As we got to the entrance of the gates I noticed that there were four guards at the front this time, guarding a closed gold door adorned with intricate inscriptions and patterns. Some of them were probably magic to keep the doors closed and resist magic or any attempt of force, and I hoped I never had to see the amount of force it took to bring them down. Two of the guards stepped from formation and came towards us as Redline stopped a few feet away, hands on their weapons and eyes looking at her and the surroundings cautiously. 

"You know these gates are closed until morning Red. You come here late every time expecting to come through and every time I get a report of something jumping the wall into the city." The head guard pointed out and Red's ears twitched but she didn't show any reaction aside from that. "You know anything about this?" 

"Nope." She deadpanned and I resisted a snicker, "Could you let me through I have something that is of the utmost importance the Guild master needs to see, possibly even the King..." The guard showed no reaction, as if this was something that was a regular occurrence here. 

"Again, I cannot let you in here until morning Red." He replied curtly, "You know the rules, and I have to follow them to the letter...for the most part, so I can't just let anyone in with a guise of having something important to show a Guild Master." 

"Even if it's something that needed to be brought up with Pops?" She asked and the man froze for a moment, but he still shook his head. 

"No, sorry. Unless you have something that really matters I cannot let you through." He was about to turn away when Redline leaned closer to him and whispered quiet enough for me and him to hear. The other guards in their golden armor remained oblivious to the situation, but got tenser as she did it. 

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