Chapter 9 - The Human Empire (Part 2)

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As the list gets (hopefully) longer I'll be adding Pledge names to the bottom of the list if exceeding three lines after this announcement: 

Special thanks to ShadowofShadow and RealistSophist for being my first two $1 tier (Soft Padded) Pledgers, and (as of yesterday) Argon for being my first $3 Pledge (Amber Eyed)!
This will be reduced to a simple 1-line thanks in the future...

I was frozen in fear; the blade mere centimeters from my left eye, looking for a way to escape. The room was completely enclosed and I doubted I was fast enough to try and run from her...

"Wait!" Redline's yell caused Cinder pause and the sword remained where it was, threatening to end my life at any moment, "I'm pretty sure you're pointing your weapon at the very reason I asked for immediate entry." She stepped towards Cinder cautiously and looked at me. Whether she knew where my eyes were or not didn't really cross my mind due to the deadly sword pointed at my face so when she looked at me I wrestled with my instincts for a moment enough to become partly visible. 

My head and neck at the very least...It seemed that my body's nature despised becoming visible for some reason, as every time I've forced it to retreat so far it fought against me. I couldn't help but shake in fear as the woman's eyes narrowed with hostility, and though she lowered the sword a little she still held it towards me at the ready. I looked at Red for help and she stepped toward Cinder with a pleading tone. 

"I found him in the woods while on a job. I don't think he's a spy sent by the Dragons..." 

"You don't think?" Cinder scowled

"He still has the label of (Young) in his status. Look for yourself. You know how the dragons are with their young..." That seemed to help as the Cinder lady withdrew her sword and put it back in its sheath, but she kept a hand on the pommel and watched me carefully. It was really annoying having to fight these new instincts they wanted me to disappear and flee as far away as I could...but I had to do this otherwise she may cut me down for simply disappearing.

"Yes, they are rather...protective of their young." Cinder mused looking at me inquisitively and took a slightly larger crystal than the one Redline had used on me when I first met her. The three of us stood in silence as Cinder scanned me with it and her expression broke into that of surprise, likely seeing the results of her identification crystal. 

"I see...A (Young) Dragon with three names, and one barely a day old at that..." 

"What?" Red blurted, and I nodded, her mouth parted slightly in shock. "Bar--barely a day old and already past the first evolution?"  

"And if I'm not wrong, you're able to understand us perfectly fine as well aren't you?" I nodded, my attention turning back to Cinder as she hummed with interest, "This is surely intriguing. I can see now why you want to get to Pops as quickly as possible." 

"Yeah. I wanted him to--wait, is it safe to be talking so openly here?" Redline asked and Cinder nodded. 

"My office is probably one of the few safe places to speak of private information. The wards and inscriptions on my door and windows keep eavesdroppers at bay and even masters with high sense and penetration skills would be hard pressed to hear so much as a peep from us with everything closed and active." Cinder's statement eased both Redline and my worries about other people discovering my existence so soon. "I'm guessing you want him to transport the (Young) Dragon to and across the border as quickly and quietly you can in order not to anger whoever's parents this one belongs to?" 

Red nodded and looked at me, "He has three names, so the Royal Dragons are bound to come searching for him...if they haven't already." 

"Yes. If he was found here that would be disastrous for not only the city but the entire Human Empire as a whole," Cinder walked over to her desk and sat down in a chair that seemed like it was made of the same reddish wood as the forest's trees. Though the color of the red wood was a bit deeper than I imagined. It was strangely nostalgic, but also very confusing at the same time. 

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