Chapter 13 - Stargazing and Food

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I can't seem to get it down that Sc'the's stamina bar isn't a measurable value and thus that he's literally unable to grow tired or rest...unless certain conditions are met...
Moving Patreon Shout-outs to the bottom, just in case...

New Patreon Shout outs:
Thanks to
Kajo8891, DumpsterFireOf2020, and Yeuromain for Joining Soft Padded!

I keep forgetting that I am unable to physically rest. Sure my mind might end up getting a little tired, but if I space out for a moment and day-dream about something: say a swimming in a pool filled with familiar green noodles; I'm able to cure said fatigue within a few moments! 

...Now I really want to get a pool full of green noodles...

I wished that I had a clock I could look at somewhere--


Oh, would you look at that. The Voice is deciding to be helpful for once! I didn't realize that there was a clock feature for the system...that was actually pretty cool! And now I'm realizing that it probably did that just to boast of it's own 'amazingness'...

...Nothing to say about that? Yeah that tells me more than a few things you irritating nuisance. 

I wondered if other beings had to deal with a Voice like I did; the annoying shit it pulled when it felt like it, and the in-cooperation I dealt with constantly, or whether it was just long was that anyways? Surely you'd be able to tell me--

2:00am - 2:04am

Four minutes?! I was lost in my mind for four minutes and that cleared away all of that stress?!

I wanted to bash my head against a few hard objects at the moment, but that would disturb Redline and thus probably incur Pops' wrath upon me...I didn't want that.

But what was I going to do until morning?!
Was it going to be like this every morning until I inevitably went insane...


Alright. I've changed my mind.

I don't want the stupid clock anymore...




You know what!
Fine! I'll show you; I can make use of my time--in a meaningful, and dutiful manner until the day I die!!

...Stupid Voice.

I looked around the room deciding what I was going to do for the next five to seven hours till Redline woke up again. First things first, I for sure wanted out of this room. If I was going to be locked in a room for five plus hours with the minutes literally ticking away in my mind I was actually going to go insane...

...It didn't help that I had practically no end to my energy levels either... I snuck to the door leading out of the room and tested the drop handle with a talon. It opened quite easily; thankfully not severing in half and dropping to the floor broken like I thought it might...I quickly slipped out into the halls and shut the door behind me.

Alright. I was what? I looked around at the empty dark halls and decided that the only logical option would be to find somewhere that I wouldn't destroy and go absolutely bonkers there. In hopes of tiring myself out, most likely a fruitless endeavor, but with as big as this place was I very much doubted that I would be able to just ignore all of the closed doors I came across.


Probably fifty rooms in, I got bored and stopped opting to just go outside and stare at the stars for a while. Thankfully, it was surprisingly easy to just ignore the clock in the corner of my mind, just ticking away slower than a snail crawled along a table in the cold...

Invisible Reaper Dragon (A Reincarnation Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora