Chapter 14 - Looking Around (Part 1)

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 Let me know if you want a chapter where I do a different POV from someone I haven't already covered: perhaps one from the second character I have dubbed as a 2nd main character from the Dragon side of things...?

New Patreon Shout outs:
Thanks to Davin Rod and Undertaker for Joining Soft Padded!
Special Thanks to
ShadowOfShadow for Joining Fluffy Eared!!

At first I just followed Redline through the mansion; as she went about her normal routine of what looked like a morning workout--but spanning the entirety of the property: She did laps around the mansion for a good...hour, and then she went inside to the lower floor and spent another two hours lifting what were probably magically-enhanced weights, then testing herself against dummy targets which actually fought back. Putting them at different levels with different styles of combat for each setting, until she seemed to be fighting against ones that literally created blurring after-images when they moved in my perspective.

I thought about joining her, but ultimately decided against it--just in case something horrible happened where, since she couldn't see me, she fell or stepped on me and got both of us killed: Me because I envenomed her due to my horns, spines, or even just accidentally scratching her with a claw causing her father to come down upon me like the Devil--he certainly looked like one; her because--well, because of me.

I decided to come here again when she was sleeping and waste time seeing what I could and couldn't do in here then. Hopefully it would be something I would be able to keep using in the future rather than something completely pointless due to the nature of everything's make and it's intended purpose of use.

I ended up getting bored with her routine and decided to go outside to explore...not. I couldn't just leave the property, not without angering her or her father, so I just stayed within sight of the mansion: That turned out to be anywhere, and everywhere all across the walled off fields, so I let go of my worries for a moment and just decided to enjoy myself. And by enjoy, I mean tearing up literally every living flower I could see; rolling down several of the hills and in several fields; stalking the local wildlife for a while, hissing in their ears and watching them flee in terror; and a few other things...All for the sake of entertainment. 

I lay in the field several hours later looking at the twin suns in the sky. What was I going to do now? It wasn't like I could just go about randomly, testing my abilities against the air and what-not, right? I shot up in realization: the reason why Redline was fighting those living dummies was probably to train her magic and skills, so if she could do that why couldn't I do the same in my own way?

...I was alone in a giant field spanning for at least a half mile in every direction, other than the way to the mansion--that was around a quarter of a mile, maybe more, maybe less. I looked through my Skills and Resistances to decide which ones I wanted to try training first:

Skills: Flame (Lv. 1), Toxic Slash (Lv. 4), Tail Smash (Lv. 2), Bite (Lv. 2), Flight (Lv. 1), Toxic Breath (Lv. 3), Hindrance (Lv. 3), Stealth (Lv. 7), Patient Hunter (Lv. 2), Steal (Lv. 3), Tracking (Lv. 4), Paralyzing Touch (Lv. 3).

Special Skills: Void Storage (Passive/Activated), Fear Aura (Lv. 2 (Passive)), Spy (Lv. 4), Reap (Lv. 2), Soul Devour (Lv. 3).

Resistances: Toxin (Lv. 2), Hunger (Lv. 3), Physical (Lv. 2), Magic (Lv. 2), Fire (Lv. 6), Fear (Lv. 23).

So all of my Special Skills were immediately out--as most of them were either (Passive) or completely reliant on the inclusion of another effected party. That also struck out (Hindrance), (Steal), and (Paralyzing Touch) for the moment as unless I could find some poor creature to torment, or a group of them maybe I would be able to...wait, there were plenty of those docile rabbit-like things all over the place, but (Steal) still wasn't likely to be used. Not unless I was somewhere I could do something without being caught...I guess taking things from the mansion and hiding or moving them for a time might help train that a little...and it would be fun. Though I could only do items that didn't seem to have much value, or maybe food since I was starting to get hungry again...

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