Chapter 3 - Mistakes (Edited)

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As soon as I activated it, Ugly 1 - AKA Damien - immediately awoke. I was forced to pounce on his chest to hold down both arms and keep his head still as some blue wisp like energy started to emerge from it. After a few minutes of shuffling, to which the cat-lady didn't wake up from thankfully, his movement stilled and the human started to grow weaker and weaker beneath my claws. It was probably because of the black and purple marks originating from the injuries and the corrupted veins spreading up his arms, and I was thankful I did this when he was so exhausted and worn out from fighting Ugly 2. 

I don't think that would have worked otherwise...

Finally he stilled and the light blue wisp of energy flowed from his mouth. Coming out as a large ball with what looked like a white nucleus in the center. It flowed from him and into my mouth and as soon as mine own closed the skill ended and the system interrupted my moment of bliss. 

Level 43 Human (Damien) Killed) 
(Experience Gained)
(Personal Level Increased x13)
(Personal Level: 25/25) 
(Max level hit: Accessing Evolutions)
(Evolution Available)
(Skill Levels Increased: Toxic Slash (Lv. 4), Hindrance (Lv. 3), Stealth (Lv. 5), Steal (Lv. 3), Soul Devour (Lv. 3), Reap (Lv. 2))
Titles (Merciless) and (Reaper of Souls) gained
(Points Gained: 180)
(Extra (Soul) Points Gained: 32)
(Free Points: 332) 

I looked at the bodies of the warriors and then I looked at the sleeping cat-woman and thought about whether or not I should scratch her too to make it seem like she was attacked as well. Then realized that I probably shouldn't cut her with my claws because that would get her poisoned, and I didn't want to risk killing her. Then again she did have the healing aspect in her, I should probably just let her sleep in peace. Its probably the only decent rest she's got in a while. 

I decided to take that moment to look at my evolution choices...oh, there was only one:

(Young) Invisible Reaper Dragon -- A Legendary type of Dragon never seen before since the beginning of time. It's scales are passively imperceptible, in every sense of the word. Even Masters in the arts of Stealth and Perception would have a hard time noticing their approach, and some may not be able to react until it is too late. 
(Warning: While having no breath attack, they are capable of killing with but a touch. A single scratch and what or whoever is afflicted better say their prayers...and their goodbyes)

I accepted the evolution and noticed the increase in power and growth instantly; however, a wave of exhaustion rippled throughout my awareness, but just as quickly as it had come, it was chased away unexpectedly. Leaving me fully energized and ready to go again. I walked over the dead body of Ugly number one and passed him on my way to a corner. I closed my eyes to try and sleep, but after waiting for a few agonizingly long minutes just staring at the rock, nothing happened.

Dammit. What was I going to do now until the cat-lady woke up? 


I decided to test how sharp different parts of my body were on walls, rocks, and the left-over sticks I had until a girlish scream shook my inquisitive mood right out of me. I looked over seeing that the cat-lady had woken up and was standing in the middle of the two dead warriors. She was currently hyperventilating, looking at both in horror and then around the rest of the room, probably thinking something else was there. Which there 

I inwardly sighed and stood up. Stretching out my limbs and spreading my wings to loosen them up after what was probably a while of just scratching and biting random things: mostly rocks and sticks to judge the damage. I waited for her to regain her bearings and assess the situation that she was in, probably going to wonder why all the bags were ripped up; sticks and rocks strewn all over in a mess and scratches along the walls...She probably thought she was going insane or something. 

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