Chapter 1 - Death (Edited)

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Still 3rd POV (will change to first in this chapter...depending if everything follows correctly)

Zach sat in the front section of the plane, messing with the device in his hands. He hadn't even thought to move since being brought up there and figured that his class, and teacher, would be fine where they were as long as he got off the plane with them. He found that the device was built similarly to the other one, but instead of a plug that he could use in a computer, the thing split in half when he touched the center circle part. And while the circle stayed in-between his fingers the two sides split apart and started to rotate like a fan's blades. It surprised Zach so much that he dropped it on the floor, but even dropping that didn't stop the fact it seemed to have stabilized mid-air to float just level with his knees.

It flashed with large white light and Zach looked away for a moment, temporarily blinded. When he could see clearly again he saw that there was a projected screen almost exactly the same as the other device. Seeing that he could probably get it unlocked pretty easily Zach decided to wait till he landed to mess with it again. He put the thing in his shirt pocket so that he would remember it later and rested his head back against the seat of the comfy first class chair, leaning it back to make himself more comfortable.

(By the way if you haven't noticed, I haven't flown before, so I have no idea what the different sections of a plane are other than looking things up and movies, but Zach is in the luxurious part of the plane: the front in this plane, and the seats are able to lean backwards, so people can sleep more comfortably...also there is no one else there at the moment. I know its convenient but if you want to imagine people there just imagine everyone went to sleep a while ago)

A few more hours passed by, and Zach was now deep in sleep, but the device was still running. Then it stopped, and the screen went dark. A second later it lit up again, and there was alien text on the front for a moment before showing a ball of light and turning dark again.

External Target Acquired, Verifying Target...Verified.

Device 333, setting b0^^3 activated...


The device started to count down, a circle of red light pulsing with every count and then it stopped counting, and suddenly exploded. The explosion was silent, just a sphere of energy that slowly spread through the entirety of the plane, past the front of the plane by at least ten feet, and going just past the front section of the wings. Time seemed to slow down in the sphere, effecting the entirety of the craft and everything happened all at once.

The bubble of energy collapsed, an explosion so strong that it caused the very air to shudder and rush to the effected area, re-filling a vacuum of space that disintegrated the front half of the plane. The wings of the plane continued forwards at a steady pace despite no longer being attached to anything and a secondary explosion happened as the vacuumed area filled, the secondary shockwave flattened the back half of the plane. Causing it to fall towards the ground, a wrangled mess of metal and bloody mist.

Amidst the chaos there was a subtle flash of light; Something that couldn't have been seen after the first explosion lit up the area so brightly, a light that could've been seen as an electrical interference or radio-waves messing with the footage, but it was there, and then it was gone...


1st POV

I don't understand, one moment I'm closing my eyes in the fancy chair of a plane, and the next moment I'm opening my eyes to a sightless void...What happened to me? Why do I feel like I'm floating? Where am I?

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