Chapter 12 - Meeting Pops

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New Patreon Shout outs: 
Thanks to 
LocalFluffyFox, Jared Boothby, and Cycylyan for joining Soft Padded!
Huge thanks to sselraef for joining my highest tier--Razor Talons!!

I watched with cautious amusement as Redline crept through the house like a ninja: Keeping close to the walls, checking every open room as she passed, even the ones that were barely open. These halls were huge! Easily large enough for one of those horse things to walk through --maybe even run through-- with plenty of space to turn avoid something if needed, and tall enough for a giant to stand in without hitting their least three meters, maybe four! 

Suddenly Redline froze, just after passing one of the doors that looked like it was still closed, but upon shifting open it revealed a floating red orb of light glaring into the darkness.

"Hi Pops. It's been a quite a night hasn't it?" Red squeaked and the orb narrowed slightly. The door opened further and revealed the other ominous red orb. That's when I noticed that Redline was backing away towards me slowly, with a hand at her side, seemingly ready to throw a knife or something...

...Surely this wasn't an enemy? The aura that the orbs emitted were enough to make me want to flee the scene screaming for my life, but she seemed familiar with them--

{Skill Level Increased: Fear Resistance (Lv. 7)}
{Skill Level Increased: Fear Resistance (Lv. 11)}

With each level in (Fear Resistance), I was able to think more clearly and by the time the person had come into view it had reached level 15 but the effects of whatever this was were still pushed at my mind to flee; I only kept it down because Redline seemed to recognize this person, so hopefully they weren't an enemy...

I should be fine. 

"Redline Crimson. Indeed, it has been quite the night." The man spoke, his voice was deep and commanding. If it wasn't his presence alone that made me submit, that tone he was using definitely would have...How was she still able to stand in this? "You better have a very good explanation for not only taking a job that was meant for more experienced Hunters, but also doing so outside of guild recommendations and making me worry about you; coming home so much later than usual..."

"I--I do. I have a perfectly good explanation! It's right here in fact!" She motioned to the space I was standing, or rather next to it as I'd moved to be as far away as possible from the large scary titan of a man.

"..." He wasn't pleased with her action, just sighing in response, "Young lady. I know that you are having trouble believing that I'm only trying to do what's best for you, but blaming an invisible friend isn't going to help you..."

"But he's right here!" Red said looking at my previous direction desperately, "I promise you Pops, I'm not making all this up! As much as I don't like your punish--I would never do this" A harsh glare from him changed her tone real quick. 

I mean, she did help me out earlier to keep Cinder from taking my head, but still...I don't know if I want to reveal myself to this absolute monster. The aura that this man was emitting was still leveling my (Fear Resistance) passively higher and higher as time went on: causing it to pass into the Twenty mark before slowing down near level 23. By that point the Fear I was feeling diminished greatly, still, I couldn't help the fact I was still shaken up from this encounter.

My body just wouldn't stop shivering...dammit.

"Oh wait. He's probably shaken up from your aura, being this close to someone over level two hundred and inducing a (Fear Aura) at such a high level would do that..." Redline murmured, probably coming to the understanding that I was in no way going to reveal myself, likely thinking I'd already run...

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