Chapter 11 - A Harsh Realization

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Huge thanks to Nicolae  for joining my highest tier (Razor Talon)!
(Note: I currently have nothing above future Discord Access for anything above my second tier: Amber Eyed (and in turn my third tier (Fluffy Eared)) and highly advise against joining said tier unless you are sure it is worth it!!)

This note will be old by the time I publish it publicly but this past weekend (3/24/24) I was dealing with a killer of a headache and work at the same time so I didn't have much heart to write on Saturday or much of Sunday morning (today)...
...still managed to get something done though.

Patreon Support: ShadowOfShadow, RealistSophist, Argon, Nicolae, 

As I continued down into the strangely red-light of the tunnel the space quickly grew from a crawl-space to that of a normal-sized walkway fit enough to have two lanes of people traveling in ether direction...not that I imagined a lot of people would actually be taking this specific tunnel at a time but the point still stood.

It was interesting to say in the least. The tunnel was at least seven feet tall and twice that wide, seemingly built like a dungeon than a tunnel and eventually the cacophony of roaring and screams reached my ears through the silence. I didn't really have a choice but to go forwards towards the noise or go backwards and back to the meat shop...

...Yeah. I didn't really want to do that...

I eventually reached a four way intersection with the tunnel going forward, left, and right being at least, three times bigger than the tunnel I had gone through earlier, but the screams were coming down the tunnel leading forwards more so than they were coming from the sides and I stood there for a moment pondering.

Should I or shouldn't I?

Going forwards might end up with me meeting some huge, dangerous monster or something else entirely, but going backwards meant going back to the boring, dark streets of the city...

...Yep! Forwards it is. I hopped out from the tunnel and creeped my way through the middle of the giant one. Both ears on high alert and all of my senses going absolutely bonkers with all the things I was smelling. There was meat, screaming, blood, the strange sea-water, musk, and plenty of other not too appealing smells. Most of which belonged in bathrooms and kitchens...and not the good kind of kitchens; The ones that dealt with animal carcasses and sweating, usually fat men sweating and cutting up giant portions of meat.

Nothing like the decently smelling meat-market I'd been in earlier...hopefully no one came by and stole the pile of gems...hopefully they got back and weren't mad that I took their entire stock once they saw said riches.

I looked back at the tunnel for a moment, the twinge of regret and guilt tugging at my chest: however, I stuffed those feelings down and went forwards. What was done was done and whatever happened now was no longer my problem. I paid my dues and even though I took everything, and left the payment out in the open with a bare, defenseless shop, I held no regret for what I did.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest for some reason, and the screams ahead chased my thoughts away.

Yeah, this was probably a mistake. My curiosity was probably going to be the death of me this time, but I wanted to know what was going on. If I had to run for my life I'd think about what to do later, but for now I needed to see what was going on...

It took me what felt like a half hour to reach an area where the screams seemed to originate from: it seemed to be a giant hallway leading towards stairs down into a sort of arena. Like a stadium of sorts, but underground...why was there a stadium underground? Unless this was actually a fighting arena...what if it was a giant Colosseum! That would be amazing!

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