Chapter 7: Help from Friends

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There was no way he was getting any work done. He'd just finished breakfast with Maylee, the conversation mostly steering toward what she planned to do today. Apparently she was going to work at clearing out one of the back rooms.

All he could think about was the kiss they'd shared, her soft lips under his touch, the taste of her. She'd been the one to initiate the kiss, and he'd thought his heart would burst with excitement. The way she's moaned into his mouth...

"Damn-" he whispered, glad he was sitting at his desk. He was hard again, just the thought of her lips heating his blood.

He ran a hand over his face in frustration as he tried to close his eyes and think of something else. What else-

The way her hands had curled into his shirt as the kiss turned more sensual and intense, her breath quickening-

That didn't help! Augh.

He looked up when a tap sounded from the window, silent for a moment before tapping again impatiently. He knew that tapping sound, and he got up a bit awkwardly, going to the window and opening it.

A flutter of feathers and a letter was placed in his hand by an owl who let out a satisfied 'hoo'. He smiled as he held the letter, going back to his desk to grab his wand to read it.

Hello Ominis! I hope things are going well there in London. Things are great here, little Anya is just starting to sit up and talks all the time. You said you'd had something happen in your last letter, so I thought we could set up a time to talk this afternoon via fireplace. We'll see you just after tea time.


Ominis grinned happily, glad to have someone to vent to a bit. He knew they'd be alright with it, it was what they did for him all the time.

He looked toward where he knew the fireplace was in the study, deciding it might be best to get it stoked ahead of time. The stronger the fire the longer the spell, and he had a lot to talk about.


Just after tea time, right on schedule the fireplace sputtered to life across the room from him.

"Hey- Omi- you there?" Sebastian's voice rang out through the room.

"Yes- bloody hell keep your voice down!" Ominis hissed as he hurried over to the fireplace and knealt in front of it.

"Woah, what's with that expression? Did something happen? Do I need to come over there?" Sebastian said, his tone growing progressively more angry with each question.

"No, no- it's fine! Calm down!" Ominis hissed back. "It's just... a complicated situation."

"Ooooh sounds interesting." Victoria's voice called out as well. "So, tell us about it."

Ominis closed his eyes and let out a soft breath. "My father let me inherit one of our old houses so I could move out in my own. The house is in terrible condition so I spent most of my money on repairing it. I was able to hire one servant with the rest of my funds until my investments start their returns. I didn't know who to hire though, so I went with a recommendation from my father's butler."

Sebastian let out a dissatisfied hum but stayed quiet for him to continue.

"The- the maid I hired is named Maylee. I'm sure my father thought it would be very funny to have me hire someone like her, who doesn't know etiquette, but-" he paused for a moment and listened carefully, hearing Maylee cursing in the back room while dragging somrthing. She couldn't hear him.

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