Escape from Merlopia

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Grunting most of us attempt to open the close door meanwhile the Ripper Sharks ram at the wall of Ice, cracking it a bit more every time

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Grunting most of us attempt to open the close door meanwhile the Ripper Sharks ram at the wall of Ice, cracking it a bit more every time.

"We've gotta get out of here!" Lloyd shouts yanking on the door.

"BE my guess!" I hiss grunting while trying to pull on any crevasse I could find.

"This isn't gonna hold!" Nya warns watching the sharks movement.

"There's no handle!" Jay shrieks, "How do we open this thing?"

"Look for some kind of switch or pressure plate!"

Maya groans, "Ugh, there's nothing! Lloyd, look out!"

The sharks break the glass and Lloyd dodges out of the way.

Nya uses her powers to push them back. "I can't–"

Holy shit, we can't die like this!

Suddenly the door opens briefly, sucking us in.

With a groan I landed on my back, looking up at the blurry light of the rather beautiful decorated ceiling.

"Are you okay?" A gentle voice asks as I continue to rest in the puddle of water below me.

"Who are you?" Nya questions giving me the time to actually sit up after the rest of them.

A male with blue-gray skin with many dark blue and black symbols stood before us. Cumbed-up black hair and a white chest with marked abdominal muscles.

Rather cute looking.

"Benthomaar, the King's son. His... adopted son." He mutters.

Lloyd stood to his feet, "We didn't attack the King!"

Benthomaar nodded, "I know. It was Kalmaar."

"Is the King..."

"He's... he's..." He shakes his head.

Standing to my feet, I pressed the button of the helmet, happy when it retracted back to place, releasing my hair from confinement.

"I'm sorry." I sincerely whisper looking at him.

Benthomaar's eyes widen looking at my face. Confused I glance back at the others trying to gauge what reaction I should take.

"Your face is more beautiful than the glow of the thousand jellyfish show."


"Thankssssss" My shoulders raised trying to comfort the painful twitch of my head swinging to the side.

His expression doesn't change, as if looking all over my face to memorize it.

"Sorry... it's a problem."

"It's no problem at all," he answers with an adorable wonky smile.

Lloyd cuts in pushing himself between the two of us, "We shouldn't stay here for long."

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