Chapter 7: moving in

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When Florian returned, he saw that the sister was there in her front flower garden; she would certainly see him as he drove past. Thank goodness Harold had warned him to take the precaution of being dressed up when he came back with his carload of gear. He avoided looking directly at her and turned into the driveway of their house.

As he activated the garage door, Florian had a thought - that woman was bound to know that the new tenants were a girl and three boys, and she would be expecting to see a girl arrive. Okay, while I'm dressed up, I'd better put on a bit of a show for her.

After parking the car in the garage, Florina walked back out the front. She went to the letterbox and then spent a few minutes walking around admiring the front of the house. She didn't look back down the road towards the house with the flowers.

Back in the garage, lowering the door, she found Harold getting the last of his stuff out of his SUV.

"Well done, Flor. I saw through the window that Mrs Stein was watching you the whole time."

Florina laughed, "I thought I should put on a show for her."

"You did good. Do you want a hand with your gear?"

"No, I'm fine . . . er, yeah, oh okay, thanks."

Florian was in his room unpacking. He was excited, finding where to put things, running around, looking out through the windows and balcony glass doors, feeling on a real high. He went out onto the small balcony; this was a lovely area, with all the nice gardens, the fancy houses, and the hills in the distance. What a fabulous room he had, much better than his old room at home.

He heard Preston's sports car arrive and went out to lean over the balustrade of the internal balcony overlooking the large open living room.

"How many trips are you going to have to make in that cute little sports car of yours?"

Preston looked up and saw it was Florina. "Just the one, babe. Bobba is bringing a few boxes for me. Ah, that sounds like him now."

"I'll come down and give you a hand."

"Thanks, babe. Where's Harold?"

"He's checking the inventory; you know, the list of items in the house that was attached to the lease."

"Yeah, of course. Good old Harold."

"You don't seem to have brought much, Bobba."

"The more stuff I've got, Flor, the bigger the mess I'll make. If I need anything else, I'll just have to go home and get it."

Harold joined them. "I've checked all the downstairs rooms, all fine. If each of us checks our own bedroom and, Pres if you wouldn't mind checking the main bathroom upstairs."

"No probs."

Harold had the other en-suite bedroom, given to him by Preston and Bobba as a reward for his work in getting them into the 'perfect house'. The others would have the two non-ensuite bedrooms and use the main upstairs bathroom.

"Time for a beer," announced Bobba.

"We haven't got any."

"Oh, yes we have," responded the big man heading back out to his car.

"So we're going have a booze-up the first night here?"

"Think of it as housewarming, Flor."

They ordered in pizza for dinner that night.

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