Chapter 23: about Roberto

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Both Adele and Macy were looking quite surprised by Florian's suggestion of Bobba as the 'expert' on formal dining.

Florian grinned and continued, "I should give you some background. Bobba and I have been friends since before kindergarten - I'm the one who gave him that silly nickname, and by the way, don't ever use it in front of his mother; I'm the only one who can get away with that. Bobba's mother is a very proper lady, just like the rest of her family. They could be described as very much the old 'landed gentry' types."

"So Bobba's mum, Millicent Connelly is her married name - never publicly referred to as Milly, of course - has trained her eldest son from a young age in all the correct social etiquette and good manners befitting a young gentleman. In addition, Bobba has regularly attended formal dinners at his old-world uncle and auntie's house. I've been to a couple of those dinners and they are an experience let me tell you. The house has the appearance and character of something from the early Victorian era, and the dinner service followed suit: butler, footmen, etc, it was some sort of turnout."

"Bobba's father and his family are a much more down-to-earth bunch. Somewhat to his mother's chagrin I suspect, Bobba has tended to take after his father, but he still knows all about the proper stuff and he can bung it on with the best of them when need be."

"Wow," Macy exclaimed laughing, "go for him, Adele."

Adele shook her head, smiling tolerantly at the cheeky Macy.

"Look," Flori added, "I don't want you to think that Bobba's mum is a tyrant or anything like that. She's not; she is actually a very lovely person and can be fun; she's just very refined and respectable that's all."

"Flori, do you think Roberto would agree to be my escort and to help us with some advice?"

"Ask him, Adele."

"Oh (sigh), I'm concerned that this dinner could be a bit of a trial, you know, rather difficult and something to suffer through rather than enjoy; I don't want to make Roberto feel obliged."

"Would you like me to sound him out, Adele?"

"Would you mind, Flori, I'd be very grateful?"

That night.

"Not a problem. Tell her to ring me."

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