Chapter 44: the morning

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It was around nine the next morning and Flori and Macy were lying in bed together chatting and giggling.

"We'd better get going, sweetheart, we've got lots to do today."

"Right. What's the schedule, tiger girl?"

"Quick visits to your folks, then mine, to tell them the good news. Then we drive out to Green Valley to get the rest of your stuff."

"Okay. Come on, we'll shower together, they reckon it saves water."

Shortly after, they emerged from the bedroom, both wearing Florina's clothes - Macy's bridesmaid's gown was hanging up in the wardrobe. As they came down the stairs they heard someone ratting around in the kitchen.

It was Selma, wearing one of Preston's shirts that didn't quite cover her nether regions.

"Headache pills, please, please. I've got an absolute thumper."

Flori quickly got two paracetamol tablets out of the cupboard and gave them to Selma with a glass of water. She gratefully swallowed the tablets and stood there gently shaking her head as she sipped the rest of the water.

"What happened, Selma?"

She sighed. "Well (gulp), we were coming home last night, it was only about eleven o'clock, we're cool, when bloody Pres says, 'Hey, Sel, whadda say we drop into the Starline Club for an hour or so, you know, kick up our heels . . .?' Stupid me says 'Okay'."

". . . they threw us out at four-thirty this morning."

Selma downed the last of the water and then reeled her way towards the stairs. "As soon as he wakes up, I'm going to murder that bastard."

She took a few more steps and added, "Of course, I'll fuck him first, and he'd better be up for it, or I'll murder him twice."

Macy was watching the retreating Selma, her mouth agape. "That was Selma???" she asked incredulously.

"Yep, the other side of the coin." Flori was nodding with an amused expression.

"Maybe there are twin sisters."

Flori started laughing, "That could explain it. Come on, love, let's get ourselves some brekkie."

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