Chapter 21: year two

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By the end of that first academic year, Macy and Adele were openly just good friends and flatmates; Adele's normal comfortable demeanour had been restored.

The yearly exam results for the six young people mirrored their mid-year results, and Macy won an award. The award was of some assistance to her financial position, but the living arrangements for all six remained unchanged and continued through into the new year.

Florian had a barbecue at home for his nineteenth birthday in mid-January for his friends, and his parents met Macy and Adele for the first time. Watching the interaction between Florian and Macy they couldn't help but wonder what was going on there.

For Macy's nineteenth in March, Florian shouted her to a night out as Florina - a meal then a nightclub. They had a ball as usual.

Adele went home for her birthday as before, and for Preston's birthday in the early part of the second semester, they had a booze-up at a pub in town. They repeated the dose for Bobba's but at the house.

Harold had a 'gathering' at home for his twentieth. These 'gatherings' at the Vandon household were fairly sedate affairs and took a cocktail party form - people standing around for two or three hours, having a drink and a chat and nibbling on hors d'oeuvres.

Adele and Macy were invited along with the boys.

They hadn't been there long when, "Flori," Macy whispered, "who is that girl standing over there?"

"That tall girl you mean? Her name is Cathy. She is the daughter of a couple who are very close friends of Harold's parents."

"Oh, so she and Harold would have known each other . . ."

". . . since they were very small children, Macy, and stop trying to read anything into it."

"What's she like?"

"Nice enough, but of fairly serious disposition. She is always rather quiet and reserved."

"I think she is quite dignified."

"Yeah, I guess so."

The year ended with academic progress for all six young people confirmed.

During the break, Flori went off on an extended European tour with his family. Macy alternated between the flat and home trying to pick up as much casual work as she could. Adele went home to spend time with her family.

Bobba started doing a 'work experience' stint with the family company and lived at home for the whole break. At the house, Harold and Preston were coming and going.

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