Chapter 32: Mrs Stein's response

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"Oh, come in, Florina. So nice to see you, dear."

"Mrs Stein, I wanted to talk to you, if I may?"

"Of course, dear. Let's go and sit in the living room."

"Mrs Stein, a note was placed in our letterbox today, a rather disturbing note."


"Yes, a threat."

"Oh lord."

"We wondered if you had seen anybody . . ."

The woman was nodding, "Yes, oh yes. I wondered what he was up to. But, Florina, what kind of threat?"

Flori sat back and took a big breath, "Mrs Stein, there is something I was planning to tell you when we had our Thursday afternoon tea later this week. You could say that the threat has made it more pressing."

The woman looked puzzled.

Still trying to be calm, Flori said, "It is something that I've become ashamed of, and I'm sure it will make you angry."

"Make me angry? I don't understand, Florina."

"Mrs Stein, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but I'm not actually a girl, I'm a boy dressed up as a girl."


"It was a trick we pulled to enable us to get into the house, but it has just gone on and on . . . we didn't mean to cause any hurt . . . and I've been feeling so bad about deceiving you . . . I'm sorry."

Mrs Stein was gazing at Florina with big eyes and a wondering expression. "How extraordinary. I find this hard to believe . . . a boy dressed up as a girl . . . Florina, stand up would you please, dear? Let me look at you."

"Oh, Florina, I don't know, you're such a pretty girl. My goodness . . . oh, could you make us a cup of tea, please dear, I need it."

Florina went into the kitchen and made the tea while still taking some deep breaths.

Mrs Stein hardly spoke while they sat and drank their tea. Eventually, Florina put her cup down and said, "Will it be all right if we move out on the weekend, that would give us time . . ."

"Move out? What do you mean? Oh, I see. You think that I will tell my sister and she will chuck you out. Maybe I should just keep your secret . . . but I can't, can I? That threat, it's a blackmail threat, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Oh lord, this is so unpleasant," the older woman sighed, then gathered herself. "Very well then, let's deal with my sister first. Florina, would you bring me my phone, please? I think it's in the sunroom."

Flori retrieved the phone.

"Ah, thank you, love. Now sit down and listen, but don't talk."

Flori obediently sat down and listened to the one-sided conversation.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks, Debbie. I've got something to tell you. The girl who is staying in your house has come and admitted to me that she is really a boy dressed up as a girl."

"Oh, you'd never be able to tell, Deb. She looks and acts like a lovely young girl. I've become quite good friends with her."

"She's owned up because she was feeling guilty."

"Yes, that's right, it was a trick to get them into the house. Just the sort of thing you would have done when you were young."

"Oh, yes you would have, and worse" (laughing).

"Deb, they've been excellent tenants: all the neighbours are happy with them and they are looking after your place perfectly."

"Good. Now, I think it would be best if you contact Mrs Castell and acquaint her with the situation."

Laughing, "Okay, fine, fine, I'll give them a telling-off on your behalf."

As the phone conversation ended, Flori was gazing at Mrs Stein with a half-formed, hopeful smile.

"Right, young lady. The boys are at home, aren't they? So let's go over there."

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