Chapter 14: meeting the boys

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"Guys, these are two fellow med students of mine, Macy and Adele. Girls, Harold, Preston and Roberto, whom we call Bobba."

Hello's and hi's, but with slightly uncertain looks.

"Er, the girls sprung me so I've had to explain the situation to them. They've promised not to blab."

"Okay, thanks, girls."

Macy was grinning, "So Flori, which one is your supposed partner?"


"Ha, yeah of course. You'd pick the best-looking one, wouldn't you?"

"I didn't pick Preston," Flori responded with despairing exasperation, "he was foisted off onto me, or maybe I was foisted off onto him."

"Rrrrrright," drawled Macy with amused scepticism.

Flori was getting used to the lively Macy, she really was a lot of fun, and Flori could see that Preston was certainly giving her the eye.

Macy was a very pretty, dark-haired girl, only slightly smaller than Florina and with a good shape. The fair-haired Adele, on the other hand, could best be described as a big girl - tall and well built; she was still quite attractive, but not in a pretty way.

"Pres, I have bad news . . ." Florina started to say.

Macy, who was well aware of Preston's attention, gave Flori a nudge, "Don't spoil the fun just yet, love."

"Macy, behave," Adele and Flori said together.

Flori and Macy started laughing, but Adele went on with, "Guys, Macy and I are a couple; we live together."

"Bugger," Preston expressed his disappointment and added, not very seriously, "Well girls, if you ever fancy a bit of swinging the other way, I'd be happy to look after Macy and . . ."

"Sorry, Preston," Macy interrupted, "if we ever did, Flori would be more my style, not he-man types like you."

Bobba, who had been surprisingly quiet so far, declared with some phoney sympathy, "Poor old Pres, thwarted again."

At Harold's invitation, they all sat down at the dining table and had tea and coffee.

"We'd have some chocolate cake to offer you if it weren't for a certain greedy . . ."

"Hey, I only had my share," protested Bobba.

"And most of Flori's."

"I'm just trying to help her keep her figure."

"I'm eternally grateful, Bobba."

Flori gave the girls a tour of the 'perfect house' before they left.

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