Chapter 31: Flori's announcement

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With the other boys all staring at him, Flori slumped down in a chair and continued speaking, "Fellahs, I had a good think over the break and, I'm sorry, but I just can't keep doing it. I was going to talk to you guys about it this week."

There was quiet until Harold spoke softly, "You've been great, Flori with all your dressing up for us."

"Yeah, you have," the other two agreed.

"It's not the dressing up or being Florina that's got me down, it's deceiving Mrs Stein. She is a lovely lady and, as you know, I've become good friends with her . . . every time I see her now, I start feeling guilty. I feel like a louse."

"Oh, Flori."

Flori was sitting there looking despondent. Of course, he was still dressed as Florina.

Preston came over and put his hands on Flori's shoulders. "Don't get down, babe. We don't want you feeling crappy, so if you feel you have to own up to her, then that's what you've got to do."

"Absolutely," Harold stated.

Bobba lifted Flori up out of the chair and said with a twisted smile, "Come on, cute Florina, get your arse over there and tell her right now."

"Thanks, fellahs."

"Hang on, Flori," Harold forestalled him, "are you going to tell her about this letter?"

Flori shrugged, "I don't know. I would prefer to be completely honest with her, but what do you guys reckon?"

"Is there any point in keeping it a secret?"

"Nah, it's going to come out anyway if this shithead carries out his threat."

"That's right."

"You might as well be upfront, Flori."


"And I'll ask her if she saw anything."


Florina gave the boys a grimace and a wave as she went out the front door.

"That will thwart the little prick's blackmail scheme as well."


"Still, I'm going to miss this joint," Preston murmured gazing around the room, "I wonder if they would let us stay until the end of the lease?"

"More likely to get the shits with us and order us out instantly," countered Bobba.

"Yeah, probably."

"Well, we've had a good run you would have to say."


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