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"Hey, um, Will?" Will looked up from his textbooks. Nico sat in front of him, his head propped up on his arm. Nico was blinking quickly and his eyes darted all around, telling Will he was nervous.

"Yes my love?" Will asked with a smile. Nico returned the smile timidly.

"D-D-Do you think...I-I mean I was thinking...I-I-I had an i-idea..." Will cut him off and took both of his hands in his. He smiled and looked Nico in the eyes.

"Take a deep breath, collect what you're trying to say. It's alright." Nico breathed deep and closed his eyes, piecing together what he wanted to say.

"I was trying to've been working really hard, and I think you deserve a break," Nico said. "With me," he added, looking down at his lap and blushing furiously. Will smiled again.

"Did you have anything in mind?" Nico nodded enthusiastically. "What is it you want to do?"

"We should go stargazing," Nico said, a bright smile on his face. Will's eyes lit up.

"That sounds awesome. What time is it?" Will checked his watch. "Jeez, it's 8 o'clock! Well, it's already dark. Let's go!" Nico smiled and went to his cabin, grabbing a couple blankets while Will grabbed some snacks and drinks. They compiled their supplies in a picnic basket and walked out into the forest, holding hands.

Nico stretched out one of the blankets on a flat area of land, and bunched the other blankets up like pillows. He laid down on the blanket and looked up.


Will laid down next to him and laced their fingers together. He looked up at the clear night sky. His jaw dropped.

"Woah." Nico looked over at Will and they both giggled.

"There's so many stars," Nico remarked. Will giggled. Nico furrowed his brows.

"Wait, is it just me or did the trees move to make a spot for us to see the stars through?" he asked. Will cocked his head and looked around. He could see what Nico was talking about.

"Maybe they think that we're an adorable couple and they wanted us to be happy," he said, smiling at Nico. Nico smiled back

"We are an adorable couple," he said, leaning in and kissing Will carefully.

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