Chapter Thirteen

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I walked away quickly, not wanting to have a conversation with him. He made me curious in a way I couldn't understand and I didn't want to indulge in that kind of curiosity.

I quickly caught up to my friends and saw that Kylee was laughing at something Freesia was saying and Wolf was grinning at them, shaking his head. Wolf was the first to see me.

When he saw me, his eyebrows raised and he started to walk towards me. I stopped walking, unsure what that serious expression on his face meant.

He stopped in front of me and said, "You stayed back to speak to him?" Wolf asked.

I shook my head, "I didn't."

Wolf rubbed his forehead then dropped his hands to my shoulders.

"Amour, that guy-" but he was cut off by the sound of someone announcing that we were to assemble near the Hover's at the entrances.

Freesia pouted as she walked towards Wolf and me.

"I need to go back and change again. I didn't know we would be going somewhere." She said, huffing out in annoyance and leaving.

Kylee came to stand beside me, but didn't look me in the eye. She just stood next to me while I looked at her. She looked up at me and looked away.

I wrapped my hand around hers and squeezed once. She squeezed back.

"If your little reunion is over, shall we?" Wolf asked, his eyebrows raised.

I rolled my eyes and punched his stomach in retaliation and he laughed.

"Let's go," he said, wrapping an arm around both Kylee and me and ushering us forward.

We all crowded out of the Common Cabin for the second time today and got into the Hover and excited voices immediately filled the quiet vehicle.

Everyone contemplated about where we could possibly be going and what we would be trained for. Letting out a breath, I looked around for Freesia.

"We totally ditched Freesia." I said to Wolf as his friends crowded around him and settled near him.

Wolf's eyes widened as he realised what I was saying.

"Do you have her Chip ID?" He asked, pulling his communication device out.

I pulled mine out, remembering that I did have her Chip ID.

I quickly shot her a message asking her where she was.

After waiting for a few minutes without a response, I looked at Wolf.

Both of us immediately got up and started to head to the exit of the Hover, when the dark haired C'Riel assigned to this Hover stopped us.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Our friend hasn't got in with us. She had gone to change, we're not sure if she's back. And she isn't replying either." I explained, waving my communication device as an indication.

"What is her name?" He asked us.

"Freesia..." I said, unsure of what her second name was. I looked to Wolf for assistance, but he looked as clueless as I did.

"Please wait." He told us.

Wolf and I exchanged glances while the C'Riel stayed still for a few minutes, his gaze trained to the floor.

I inconspicuously leaned to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of his ear. When I saw a small C shaped device, (what had Rafe called it? A Com?), I realised that he was communicating to somebody.

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