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First things first this story is inspired by SerenaSnape 's the moon is not shamed by the howling of the werewolves it was probably the most adorable thing I had ever read in my life and immediately inspired me. I hope my story does her justice. Ok onward!

Ps   I of course own nothing of the Harry Potter universe yada yada. Also this will not be exactly the same as Serena's it's simply inspired by hers. Ok now we can begin 😉

Pps the actress who's photos I'm using to portray Caelen pronounced (Kay-Lynn) is Mackenzie Foy she was the closest I could find to what I imagine Caelen to be. Ok now really here's the story lol

I know most don't even bother to read this but please don't comment disgusting "daddy" comments about Caelen and her actual daddy. You guys are triggering me. It isn't funny. How is implying child molestation funny to you people?! Seriously I delete like 5-10 comments every day!! It's getting ridiculous! Honestly I live with my mind in the gutter but when a child is involved it isn't funny and you seriously need to stop!

Caelen lay whimpering in the dark corner in the basement of her mother's house. A cold iron chain hung heavily from her neck confining her to the shadows. Water dripped slowly down the walls of the ancient foundation mingling on the wet concrete slab the small child huddled upon. It had been a nice house once it was red brick with a small front stoop and it had at one point had cheerful yellow shutters and a matching door but time and lack of care had caused the paint to chip and peel, that paired with the general disrepair of the house caused a dilapidated, even spooky appearance.

Caelen rarely saw the upper rooms with their furniture that her mother thought made her look wealthy. Caelen thought it just looked fussy, there was too much, too many gilded edges too many crystals and baubles and entirely too many colors. Every room in that house was gaudy and stuffed full of shiny things as if her mother were a very large magpie and the house her nest.

The basement wasn't like that however, the basement was mostly empty save for a few spider webs some lawn implements, including her mother's weapons of choice a bat and a small silver dagger. These weapons were not there to protect the woman they were there to torment her small daughter. Tonight was the full moon, her mother was never kind but it was always worse these nights.

Gena hated Caelen she hated her resemblance to her father, the memories that brought with it, but most of all she hated what she was, a werewolf. It wasn't as if the child had asked for this it had always been this way, guess that's how it go's when your father is one.

The girl flinched as the door leading upstairs creaked signally her mother had returned. She pressed herself further into the corner desperate for some sort of escape.

"You can't hide from me freak!" Her mother snapped nearing the shivering girl. She grabbed Caelen's jaw harshly her long red nails digging painfully into the child's cheeks. "You know why you have to be chained don't you? Why no one cares?" She growled.

Caelen knew by now she wasn't looking for a response she simply wanted to hurt her. The small child nodded, her long brown hair falling around her face like a shield, "cuz I'm a monster." She whispered fully believing the lie she'd been told since she could remember.

"That's right you are a monster!" Gena shouted angrily.

Caelen tuned out of her mother's continued ranting as she caught sight of the moon just peaking out from behind the clouds. She grunted slightly as her bones rearranged themselves and she turned into her wolf form. Tonight was the night, she'd been planning this all month. What her mother hadn't accounted for when she'd gotten a larger collar was that while the human Caelen's head and neck had outgrown the old one the werewolf Caelen grew at a different rate.

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