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"I don't understand you lived there with Sirius for nearly a year," Tonks argued in confusion. The group of adults, minus Nuntis who appeared to be doodling with Caelen on the sofa, had been arguing since Tonks had tumbled out of the floo and announced Dumbledore was calling a meeting at Grimauld.

Remus scowled angrily, "Yes and every time she was left alone in that house she got hurt. I'd rather miss a meeting and get the information second hand than bring Caelen along, leave her alone in some room because she isn't old enough to sit in on a meeting, and her get hurt again."

"But headquarters is safe as anything," Tonks tried again.

Sirius snorted, "that place is the antithesis of safe. I'm with Remus on this, one of us will have to stay here during meetings. We can trade off if you like Moons."

Tonks stared between the two men in exasperation. She wondered briefly if she could get their friend Nuntis to help her force the men to see reason.

"Sorry Dora, I've made up my mind Caelen won't be going back to Grimauld. Seeing as I can't leave her on her own I won't be either." Remus stated firmly.

Tonks dropped her head onto the worn wooden table with an exasperated groan. "Fine, what about with someone trustworthy?"

Sirius scoffed, "who exactly would be trustworthy enough to leave her with that isn't already an order member?"

"My mother," Tonks responded, smiling at Remus. "Mum would love Caelen, she'd be safe there, and no one would miss any information." If Caelen got along with her mother well that couldn't hurt her own standing with Remus, the woman figured.

The men exchanged a look, "she's your cousin Sirius, what do you think?" Remus finally questioned.

Sirius shrugged, "haven't seen Dromeda since before I went to...well went away. I'd trust her though, fellow reject and all." He smiled ruefully.

Tonks grinned triumphantly, "That's settled then we'll go to mum's first, get Caelen settled comfortably, and then go to the meeting."

Remus sighed and stood from the table, "fine." He wandered from the room in search of his daughter and Nuntis, finding the pair curled up next to a bookcase in the living room.

"She's safe with this Dromeda person?" Nuntis signed as he entered, thus erasing all impressions he may have had of the conversation having been private.

"Sirius says so yeah," he responded before kneeling in front of his daughter. "Hey Cub, you heard?"

Caelen placed the sketchbook aside and met his gaze nervously. "You'll be back right after?" She whispered.

"The second it's over," he promised solemnly.

"Sirius and I as well Tesoro," Nuntis wrote in the corner of their drawing.

The girl nodded bravely, "Ok, think I'd like to meet Tonks's mum."


Sirius had helped Caelen pack a bag while Nuts interrogated Tonks about her mother and the group had set off through the floo. Andromeda had gushed over Caelen, reassuring the adults she'd be in good hands and shooing them off to their meeting so quickly no one was quite certain they ever actually quit spinning. It seemed more like they'd spun out of the floo and their momentum must have carried them in sort of a slingshot motion around the matron of the house and back into the floo.

Caelen stared up at the woman she'd been entrusted to. Andromeda Tonks carried herself with an authority Caelen's mother had often played at but never quite accomplished. The woman seemed to fill the room with quiet strength, despite the fact she was thin and couldn't have been taller that five foot seven. Her dark hair was up in a tidy, but stylish, updo of sorts, with the lightest smarting of silver gracing the hair at her temples and her rosy lips curled into a smile not unlike her daughter's. "Hello little one," she greeted gently, "Nymphadora has told me so much about you. You're just as lovely as she claimed." Her hand reached out slowly to gently run across Caelen's blue lock of hair, "lovely choice this, adds a bit of spark," Andromeda winked at the girl.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Where stories live. Discover now