If only youd'd listen

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Caelen stumbled through the halls propelled forward by fat, rough hands that dug into her tiny arm. Still dizzy and vision blurry from her knock to her head she was only vaguely aware of the din from the great hall as they neared the doors on their way out. She wondered momentarily if anyone would, or even could, help if she made a break for the teachers table. Minnie could, she was sure, her days spent with Minerva McGonagal had idolized the transfiguration professor to such a degree in the child's mind that she was convinced there was nothing the old witch couldn't accomplish. She wondered why Harry hadn't thought to go to her, surely he knew how brilliant she was?

The warm June breeze brushed through her brown hair as she was dragged down the front steps of the old castle and across the yard. Caelen took in the sight of the sun sinking behind the trees of the forbidden forest and a feeling of dread began to settle into her belly. Or perhaps that was nausea from the concussion, she wasn't sure. Either way Caelen was certain no good would come of tonight. She wondered if she'd doomed them all by coming. In following after her brother had she caused this?

The girl shivered as they crossed the boundary into the forest. She wasn't scared of the forest, not after her night spent here with her father the year before. The further they walked from the school the more the feeling of dread  grew until Caelen found herself shaking  like a frightened puppy. The comparison nearly made her laugh considering that wasn't far from what she was.

Quite suddenly Caelen found herself being propelled towards the ground, the large hand that had been constantly prodding and dragging her along flailing about as its owner fell to the ground. Harry quickly scooped Caelen up, looking her over worriedly as the large toad-like professor struggled to stand. "You alright Cae?" Harry whispered attempted to catch her eyes which were hazy and unfocused. "Caelen?"

"Um fin Hawwy," the girl slurred her head lolling forward into his chest.

"Give me the halfbreed, Mr. Potter." The witch simpered, reaching towards the girl once more.

Harry growled in his throat, lack of a wand and the child in his arms the only things keeping him from pouncing on the horrid woman. "I don't think so, you want the weapon I carry Caelen."

"You're not really in a bargaining position Mr. Potter," she taunted in a high girly voice waving her wand like a pendulum with every word.

Harry's jaw clenched defiantly as he adjusted his hold on his godsister. "Perhaps not, but I'm not taking another step unless I'm carrying Caelen."

Umbridge's expression twitched, her eyes flashing in irritation. "Oh very well keep the little beast, now let's go!"

They had only gone a little further when an arrow flew passed landing with a menacing thud in a tree above Hermione's head. The air was filled with the sound of hooves. Harry felt the  forest floor trembling beneath his feet; Umbridge gave a little scream and pushed Harry in front of her like a shield. The boy gripped his godsister closer protectively, pulling away from the mad witch.

Caelen burrowed closer to Harry as she took in the centaurs surrounding them, their bows raised and loaded, pointing at the small magical group. Caelen couldn't tell how many there were for certain, her vision still blurred as it was, but she was afraid nonetheless.

"Who are you?" A voice called from amongst the centaurs. 

Umbridge simply whimpered, her wand pointing shakily at the approaching centaur.

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