The witch is back

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It was the last day of term Caelen was fast asleep snuggled beneath her father's traveling cloak on the couch in their quarters. Remus was quietly packing away their things for the trip home, "hello Harry," he said with a smile as the boy lifted his hand to knock. Harry stared at the professor puzzled. "I saw you coming," Remus explained indicating the mauraders map lying open on his desk.

Harry took in the things half packed away around the room, "Have you been fired?"

"No, I thought it best to move on. As much as I've enjoyed teaching defense against the dark arts I thought it best to take a break, who knows some day I may take it up again, if needed, but right now I feel Caelen needs me more. I can't give her the proper time she needs if I'm always teaching, studying, or chasing unruly students around the grounds." The man smiled lovingly at his little girl, "she's had a hard time of it Harry, I expect you'd know a bit about that hmm? I think it best I give her a proper chance at being a child. Hogwarts is a wonderful place, but for now Caelen just needs a father who loves her and that's what she'll get."

Harry nodded in understanding, "she's lucky to have you professor. I'm sorry to see you go you were the best DADA teacher we've had."

"Thank you Harry," Remus replied sincerely, "and I will say if there's anything I'm proud of its how much you've learned this year. Ah now my carriage is here, I expect I'll see you around?"

The young Potter nodded, "goodbye professor."

Remus lifted his sleeping child into his arms, careful not to wake her and walked quietly through Hogwarts.

They were nearly home before the child stirred lifting her head sleepily from where it rested on her father's lap, "where're we?" She mumbled rubbing her eyes as she snuggled against her father's side.

Remus smiled down at her, "nearly home now."

He watched with amusement as the girl's eyes lit up as his cottage drew nearer, "I love the cottage!" She squealed happily.

"Oh and why is that?" The older Lupin questioned as he helped her down from the coach.

"It's where I found you, the first place I felt loved." Caelen replied honestly, "just feels like home."

The pair walked into the cottage quietly, Remus dropping their luggage inside the door, Caelen rushing to the couch and curling up in the corner she'd claimed as her own.

Remus' smile faltered when he headed for the kitchen to make the girl a snack and he caught sight of his table. A knife stood, it's point driven deep into the old wooden table, a note pinned down by it. With nervous hands Remus pulled the knife free picking the foreboding note up to read.

Remus, I assume you have the little freak. I was disappointed to find it had become so ungrateful as to run away from it's mother. Rest assured I'll be around to collect it as soon as possible. I do hope your continued absence from the cottage is not some poor attempt at keeping it from me, as this behavior will not end well for either of you.

                                                 -Gena Davis
P.S. Do tell the little monster to expect a severe punishment for it's behavior. Said punishment will only get worse the longer you're away.

Remus growled as he crushed the paper in his fist angrily. He struggled to compose himself when he heard her little feet approaching.

Lupin's cub (Remus Lupin's Unknown daughter)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα